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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Jul-2019Cubic Liquid Crystalline Structures in diluted, concentrated and highly concentrated emulsions for topical application: influence on drug release and human skin permeationArias Chousa, Eva María; Guiró, Pere; Rodríguez-Abreu, Carlos; Solans Marsà, Conxita; Escribano Ferrer, Elvira; García Celma, Ma José
14-Mar-2024Innovaciones en Nanotecnología Farmacéutica: Estudios de Liberación y Permeación de Sistemas Nanoestructurados para Piel Humana y modelos de piel alternativos (Seminaris de Recerca 2024)Mallandrich Miret, Mireia
24-Jul-2012Sistemes bicel·lars com a nova estratègia d’aplicació tòpicaRubio Toledano, Laia
2011Technological, biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic advances: new formulations of application on the skin and oral mucosaCalpena Campmany, Ana Cristina; Clares Naveros, Beatriz; Fernández, Francisco