Browsing by Subject Hyperthyroidism

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Apr-2006Evolución y pronóstico de la función y tamaño tiroideos tras tratamiento con radioyodo del hipertiroidismoGómez Arnaiz, Nuria
1-Jan-2023Role of thyroid hormones in burning mouth syndrome. Systematic reviewEgido-Moreno, Sonia; Valls Roca-Umbert, Joan; Pérez Sayáns, Mario; Blanco Carrión, Andrés; Jané Salas, Enric; López López, José, 1958-
16-Oct-2023Therapeutic Management and Long-Term Outcome of Hy-Perthyroidism in Patients with Antithyroid-Induced Agranu-Locytosis: A Retrospective, Multicenter StudyGarcía Gómez, Carlos; Navarro, Elena; Alcázar, Victoria; López Guzmán, Antonio; Arrieta, Francisco; Anda, Emma; Biagetti, Betina; Guerrero Pérez, Fernando; Villabona Artero, Carlos; Ruiz de Assín Valverde, Andrés; Lamas, Cristina; Lecumberri, Beatriz; Rosado Sierra, José Antonio; Sastre, Julia; Díez, Juan José; Iglesias, Pedro