Browsing by Subject Hypothermia

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Dec-2020Condicionantes fisiológicos en la práctica del alpinismo de alto nivelCarceller Mallada, Anna
21-Oct-2013Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Activity in Hypothermia and Rewarming. Can RONS Modulate the Beneficial Effects of Therapeutic Hypothermia?Alva Bocanegra, Norma V. (Norma Violeta); Palomeque Rico, Jesús; Carbonell i Camós, Teresa
25-Feb-2019Parada cardiaca Extra-hospitalaria e Hipotermia terapéutica en el Síndrome Coronario Agudo: riesgo de trombosis y hemorragiasJiménez Brítez, Gustavo David
29-Jan-2015Serotonin is involved in the psychostimulant and hypothermic effect of 4-methylamphetamine in rats.Rubio, Mar; López Arnau, Raúl; Pubill Sánchez, David; Escubedo Rafa, Elena; Camarasa García, Jordi