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Showing results 1 to 20 of 124  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Nov-20223D spatial organization and improved antibiotic treatment of a Pseudomonas aeruginosaStaphylococcus aureus wound biofilm by nanoparticle enzyme deliveryRubio-Canalejas, Alba; Baelo, Aida; Herbera, Sara; Blanco-Cabra, Núria; Vukomanovic, Marija; Torrents Serra, Eduard
3-Nov-2022A Straightforward Method for the Isolation and Cultivation of Galleria mellonella HemocytesAdmella, Joana; Torrents Serra, Eduard
14-Aug-2023A super-resolution and transmission electron microscopy correlative approach to study intracellular trafficking of nanoparticlesAndrian, Teodora; Muela, Yolanda; Delgado, Lídia; Albertazzi, Lorenzo; Pujals Riatós, Silvia
21-Dec-2021Advanced Modelling of Metallic Nanomaterials for CatalysisVega Domínguez, Lorena
28-Jan-2017Aggregation state and magnetic properties of magnetite nanoparticles controlled by an optimized silica coatingPerez, Nicolas; Moya Álvarez, Carlos; Tartaj, P.; Labarta, Amílcar; Batlle Gelabert, Xavier
2012Anisotropic surface properties of micro/nanostructured a-C:H:F thin films with self-assembly applicationsFreire Soler, Víctor Manuel; Corbella Roca, Carles; Bertrán Serra, Enric; Portal, Sabine; Rubio Roy, Miguel; Andújar Bella, José Luis
2005Anomalous crystallization of hydrogenated amorphous silicon during fast heating rampsFarjas Silva, Jordi; Serra-Miralles, J.; Roura Grabulosa, Pere; Bertrán Serra, Enric; Roca i Cabarrocas, P. (Pere)
9-Jun-2015Antitumor activities of metal oxide nanoparticlesVinardell Martínez-Hidalgo, Ma. Pilar; Mitjans Arnal, Montserrat
13-Jul-2014Arc-discharge synthesis of iron encapsulated in carbon nanoparticles for biomedical applicationsChaitoglou, Stefanos; Sanaee, Mohammad Reza; Aguiló Aguayo, Noemí; Bertrán Serra, Enric
28-Apr-2014Atomistic study of structural and electronic transport properties of silicon quantum dots for optoelectronic applicationsGarcía Castelló, Núria
22-Dec-2015Au(I) N-heterocyclic carbenes from bisimidazolium amphiphiles: synthesis, cytotoxicity and incorporation onto gold nanoparticlesRodrigues, M.; Russo, L.; Aguiló Linares, Elisabet; Rodríguez Raurell, Laura; Ott, Ingo; Pérez García, M. Lluïsa (Maria Lluïsa)
16-Aug-2019Biomechanical Response of Lung Epithelial Cells to Iron Oxide and Titanium Dioxide NanoparticlesOliveira, Vinicius R.; Uriarte, Juan José; Falcones, Bryan; Jorba, Ignasi; Zin, Walter Araujo; Farré Ventura, Ramon; Navajas Navarro, Daniel; Almendros López, Isaac
11-Feb-2015Biopharmaceutical profile of pranoprofen-loaded PLGA nanoparticles containing hydrogels for ocular administrationAbrego Escobar, Guadalupe; Alvarado, Helen; Souto, Eliana B.; Guevara, Bessy; Halbaut, Lyda; Parra Coca, Alexander; Calpena Campmany, Ana Cristina; García López, María Luisa
10-Jun-2020Chemical and ecotoxicological assessment of microplastics and emerging risks in the coastal environmentsSchirinzi, Gabriella Francesca
12-Jul-2019Cholesteryl oleate-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles for the vectorization of nucleic acidsSuñé Pou, Marc
29-Jan-2015Clotting activity of polyphosphate-functionalized silica nanoparticlesKudela, Damien; Smith, Stephanie A.; May Masnou, Anna; Braun, Gary B.; Pallaoro, Alessia; Nguyen, Chi K.; Chuong, Tracy T.; Nownes, Sara; Allen, Riley; Parker, Nicholas R.; Rashidi, Hooman H.; Morrissey, James H.; Stucky, Galen D.
16-Jul-2010Codeposició electroless de NiP amb micro- i nanopartícules ceràmiquesAmell i Tosas, Anna
Jun-2014Colloidal crystals for photonic applicationsValdés Prats, Ana
9-Nov-2023Comparative Analysis of the Physicochemical and Biological Characteristics of Freeze-Dried PEGylated Cationic Solid Lipid NanoparticlesNarváez Narváez, David A.; Duarte Ruiz, María; Jiménez Lozano, Sandra; Moreno Castro, Cristina; Vargas, Ronny; Nardi Ricart, Anna; García Montoya, Encarna; Pérez Lozano, Pilar; Suñé Negre, Josep Mª; Hernández Munain, Cristina; Suñé, Carlos; Suñé Pou, Marc
7-Feb-2015Comparative effects of macro-sized aluminum oxide and aluminum oxide nanoparticles on erythrocyte hemolysis: influence of cell source, temperature and sizeVinardell Martínez-Hidalgo, Ma. Pilar; Sordé, A.; Díaz Marcos, Jordi; Baccarin, Thaisa; Mitjans Arnal, Montserrat