Browsing by Author Agüero Santangelo, Fernando

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3-Jun-2015Trends in Transmission of Drug Resistance and Prevalence of Non-B Subtypes in Patients with Acute or Recent HIV-1 Infection in Barcelona in the Last 16 Years (1997-2012)Ambrosioni, Juan; Sued, Omar; Nicolás, David; Parera, Marta; López-Diéguez, María; Romero, Anabel; Agüero Santangelo, Fernando; Marcos, Ma. Angeles; Manzardo, Christian; Zamora, Laura; Gómez-Carrillo, Manuel; Gatell, José M.; Pumarola Suñé, Tomàs; Miró Meda, José M.