Browsing by Author Arriarán, Sofía

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6-Oct-2012A radiochemical method for carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase I: application to rats fed a hyperproteic dietArriarán, Sofía; Agnelli, Silvia; Fernández López, José Antonio; Remesar Betlloch, Xavier; Alemany, Marià, 1946-
24-Feb-2014Altered nitrogen balance and decreased urea excretion in male rats fed cafeteria diet are related to arginine availabilitySabater Martínez, David; Agnelli, Silvia; Arriarán, Sofía; Fernández López, José Antonio; Romero Romero, María del Mar; Alemany, Marià, 1946-; Remesar Betlloch, Xavier
13-Jan-2014Cultured 3T3L1 adipocytes dispose of excess medium glucose as lactate under abundant oxygen availabilitySabater Martínez, David; Arriarán, Sofía; Romero Romero, María del Mar; Agnelli, Silvia; Fernández López, José Antonio; Remesar Betlloch, Xavier; Alemany, Marià, 1946-
14-Sep-2015Effects of sex and site on amino acid metabolism enzymes gene expression and activity in rat white adipose tissue (Raw Data)Arriarán, Sofía; Agnelli, Silvia; Remesar Betlloch, Xavier; Fernández López, José Antonio; Alemany, Marià, 1946-
5-Mar-2015Evidences of basal lactate production in the main white adipose tissue sites of rats. Effects of sex and a cafeteria diet. Arriarán, Sofía; Agnelli, Silvia; Sabater Martínez, David; Remesar Betlloch, Xavier; Fernández López, José Antonio; Alemany, Marià, 1946-
Jun-2015Influence of a hyperlipidic diet on the composition of the non-membrane lipid 6 pool of red blood cells of male and female rats (Raw Data)Remesar Betlloch, Xavier; Antelo, Arantxa; Llivina, Clàudia; Albà, Emma; Berdié Rabanaque, Lourdes; Agnelli, Silvia; Arriarán, Sofía; Fernández López, José Antonio; Alemany, Marià, 1946-
14-Jul-2015Influence of a hyperlipidic diet on the composition of the non-membrane lipid pool of red blood cells of male and female rats.Remesar Betlloch, Xavier; Antelo, Arantxa; Llivina, Clàudia; Albà, Emma; Berdié Rabanaque, Lourdes; Agnelli, Silvia; Arriarán, Sofía; Fernández López, José Antonio; Alemany, Marià, 1946-
19-Oct-2015The urea cycle of rat white adipose tissueArriarán, Sofía; Agnelli, Silvia; Remesar Betlloch, Xavier; Fernández López, José Antonio; Alemany, Marià, 1946-