Browsing by Author Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Cistoadenoma de glándulas salivales menores. Presentación de dos casos y revisión de la literaturaCastro Avellaner, M. E. de; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Berini Aytés, Leonardo; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-Sep-2010Clinical features of oral lichen planus. A retrospective study of 65 casesTorrente Castells, Eulàlia; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Berini Aytés, Leonardo; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-Jan-2015Clinical significance of interleukin-1 genotype in smoking patients as a predictor of peri-implantitis: a case-control studyGarcía-Delaney, Cristina; Sánchez Garcés, Ma. Ángeles; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Sánchez Torres, Alba; Gay Escoda, Cosme
Nov-2022Comparison of two different lingual flap advancement techniques and vascular structure identification: a human cadaver studyNoguera Mutlló, Carlos; Traboulsi Garet, Bassel; Camps Font, Octavi; Manzanares Céspedes, María Cristina; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
2012Complications following an accidental sodium hypochlorite extrusion: A report of two casesBosch Aranda, María Luisa; Canalda Sahli, Carlos; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-Sep-2021Effect of bone loss on the fracture resistance of narrow dental implants after implantoplasty. An in vitro studyLeitão-Almeida, Bruno; Camps Font, Octavi; Correia, André; Mir Mari, Javier; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
1-Jan-2014Effect of the local administration of betamethasone on pain, swelling and trismus after impacted lower third molar extraction. A randomized, triple blinded, controlled trialMarques, José; Pié Sánchez, Jordi; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-Jul-2014Efficacy and complications associated with a modified inferior alveolar nerve block technique. A randomized, triple-blind clinical trialMontserrat Bosch, Marta; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Nogueira Magalhães, Pedro; Arnabat Domínguez, Josep; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-May-2011Ergonomics and musculoskeletal pain among postgraduate students and faculty members of the School of Dentistry of the University of Barcelona (Spain). A cross-sectional studyHarutunian, Karmen; Gargallo Albiol, Jordi; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-Sep-2020Fracture resistance after implantoplasty in three implant-abutment connection designsCamps Font, Octavi; González-Barnadas, Albert; Mir Mari, Javier; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Gay Escoda, Cosme; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
1-May-2008Lateral periodontal cysts: a retrospective study of 11 casesFormoso Senande, María Florencia; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Berini Aytés, Leonardo; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-Jul-2014Lowering of the mouth floor and vestibuloplasty to support a mandibular overdenture retained by two implants: a case reportCortell Ballester, Isidoro; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-Jan-2023Patient-centered outcomes after surgical treatment of peri-implantitis: a prospective clinical studyCamps Font, Octavi; Pérez-Beltrán, Irene; Fornés-Nieto, Vicente; González-Barnadas, Albert; Costa-Berenguer, Xavier; García-García, Marta; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo
1-Sep-2010Retrospective clinicopathological study of 418 odontogenic cystsNúñez Urrutia, Sergio; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-Sep-2012Sensibility and taste alterations after impacted lower third molar extractions. A prospective cohort studyRidaura Ruiz, Lourdes; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo; Berini Aytés, Leonardo; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-May-2013Sharp mandibular bone irregularities after lower third molar extraction: Incidence, clinical features and risk factorsAlves Pereira, Daniela; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Valmaseda Castellón, Eduardo; Laskin, Daniel M., 1924-; Berini Aytés, Leonardo; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-Feb-2014Stafne's bone cavity: An unusual case with involvement of the buccal and lingual mandibular platesHerranz Aparicio, Judit; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-May-2009Traumatic bone cyst: a retrospective study of 21 casesCortell Ballester, Isidoro; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Berini Aytés, Leonardo; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-Jul-2011Tuberous sclerosis complex with oral manifestations: A case report and literature reviewHarutunian, Karmen; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Gay Escoda, Cosme
1-Mar-2011Use of Bichat's buccal fat pad for the sealing of orosinusal communications. A presentation of 8 casesAbad Gallegos, Marta; Barbosa de Figueiredo, Rui Pedro; Rodríguez Baeza, Alfonso; Gay Escoda, Cosme