Browsing by Author Cosío, Borja G.

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Nov-2012An investigation of the resolution of inflammation (catabasis) in COPD.Noguera, Aina; Gomez, Cristina; Faner, Rosa; Cosío, Borja G.; González Périz, Ana; Clària i Enrich, Joan; Carvajal, Angel; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar
15-Jun-2018Bone marrow characterization in COPD: a multi-level network analysisToledo Pons, Nuria; Noell, Guillaume; Jahn, Andreas; Iglesias, Amanda; Duran, Maria Antonia; Iglesias, Julio; Rios, Angel; Scrimini, Sergio; Faner, Rosa; Gigirey, Orlando; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Cosío, Borja G.
31-Dec-2012Clinical audit of COPD patients requiring hospital admissions in Spain: AUDIPOC StudyPozo-Rodríguez, Francisco; López Campos, José Luis; Alvarez-Martinez, Carlos J.; Castro Acosta, Ady Angélica; Agüero, Ramón; Hueto, Javier; Hernández-Hernández, Jesús; Barrón, Manuel; Abraira, Victor; Forte, Anabel; Sanchez Nieto, Juan Miguel; López-Gabaldón, Encarnación; Cosío, Borja G.; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar
21-Sep-2020Hospital Epidemics Tracker (HEpiTracker): Description and pilot study of a mobile app to track COVID-19 in hospital workersSoriano, Joan B.; Fernández Muñoz, Esteve; Astorza, Álvaro de; Pérez de Llano, Luis A.; Fernández Villar, Alberto; Carnicer Pont, Dolors; Alcázar, Bernardino; García, Arturo; Morales, Aurelio; Lobo, María; Maroto, Marcos; Ferreras, Eloy; Soriano, Cecilia; Rio Bermudez, Carlos del; Vega Piris, Lorena; Basagaña, Xavier; Muncunill, Josep; Cosío, Borja G.; Lumbreras, Sara; Catalina, Carlos; Alzaga, José María; Gómez Quilón, David; Valdivia, Carlos Alberto; Lara, Celia de; Ancochea Bermúdez, Julio
21-Jan-2009Low-dose theophylline enhances the anti-inflammatory effects of steroids during exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCosío, Borja G.; Iglesias, Amanda; Rios, Angel; Noguera, Aina; Sala, Ernest; Ito, Kazuhiro; Barnes, Peter J.; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar
24-Jun-2019Relationship between the respiratory microbiome and the severity of airflow limitation, history of exacerbations and circulating eosinophils in COPD patientsMillares, Laura; Pascual, Sergi; Montón, Concepción; García Núñez, Marian; Lalmolda, Cristina; Faner, Rosa; Casadevall, Carme; Setó, Laia; Capilla, Silvia; Moreno, Amàlia; Castro Acosta, Ady Angélica; Álvarez Martínez, Carlos José; Sibila Vidal, Oriol; Peces Barb, Germán; Cosío, Borja G.; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Gea Guiral, Joaquim; Monsó, Eduard
24-Nov-2021Telomere Length but Not Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number Is Altered in Both Young and Old COPDCasas Recasens, Sandra; Mendoza, Núria; López Giraldo, Alejandra; García, Tamara; Cosío, Borja G.; Pascual-Guardia, Sergi; Acosta Castro, Ady; Borras Santos, Alicia; Gea, Joaquim; Garrabou Tornos, Glòria; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Faner, Rosa