Browsing by Author Fabregat Romero, Isabel

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Mar-2020A Signaling Crosstalk between BMP9 and HGF/c-Met Regulates Mouse Adult Liver Progenitor Cell SurvivalAddante, Annalisa; Roncero, Cesáreo; Lazcanoiturburu, Nerea; Méndez, Rebeca; Almale, Laura; García Álvaro, María; ten Dijke, Peter; Fabregat Romero, Isabel; Herrera, Blanca; Sánchez, Aránzazu
29-Mar-1996Apoptosis induced by transforming growth factor-β in fetal hepatocyte primary culturesSánchez, Aránzazu; Álvarez Barrientos, Alberto; Benito, Manuel; Fabregat Romero, Isabel
18-Oct-2019Calcium regulates HCC proliferation as well as EGFR recycling/degradation and could be a new therapeutic target in HCCModica, Teresa Maria Elisa; Dituri, Francesco; Mancarella, Serena; Pisano, Claudio; Fabregat Romero, Isabel; Giannelli, Gianluigi
23-Mar-2012Cell fusion reprogramming leads to a specific hepatic expression pattern during mouse bone marrow derived hepatocyte formation In VivoQuintana Bustamante, Oscar; Grueso, Esther; García Escudero, Ramón; Arza, Elvira; Álvarez Barrientos, Alberto; Fabregat Romero, Isabel; García Bravo, María; Meza, Néstor W.; Segovia, José C.
1-Jan-2020Clathrin switches transforming growth factor-β role to pro-tumorigenic in liver cancerCaballero Díaz, Daniel; Bertran Rodríguez, Esther; Peñuelas Haro, Irene; Moreno Càceres, Joaquim; Malfettone, Andrea; López Luque, Judit; Addante, Annalisa; Herrera, Blanca; Sánchez, Aránzazu; Alay, Ania; Solé Acha, Xavier; Serrano Piñol, M. Teresa; Ramos Rubio, Emilio; Fabregat Romero, Isabel
Feb-2009Dysregulation of apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma cellsFabregat Romero, Isabel
Feb-2015Efectivitat de l'aprenentatge basat en problemes (ABP) en l'assignatura de Teràpia Gènica i Molecular d'OdontologiaVidal Alabró, Anna; Simon Molas, Helga; Falcó Pegueroles, Anna M. (Anna Marta); Bermúdez i Mas, Jordi; Bartrons Bach, Ramon; Perales Losa, Carlos; Fabregat Romero, Isabel; Manzano Cuesta, Anna
24-May-2021Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) Induced by TGF-β in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Reprograms Lipid MetabolismSoukupova, Jitka; Malfettone, Andrea; Bertran Rodríguez, Esther; Hernández Álvarez, María Isabel; Peñuelas Haro, Irene; Dituri, Francesco; Giannelli, Gianluigi; Zorzano Olarte, Antonio; Fabregat Romero, Isabel
Nov-2010Growth factor- and cytokine-driven pathways governing liver stemness and differentiation.Sánchez, Aránzazu; Fabregat Romero, Isabel
1-Dec-2003Long-term treatment with insulin induces apoptosis in brown adipocytes: role of oxidative stressPorras, Almudena; Zuluaga, Susana; Valladares, Amparo; Álvarez Barrientos, Alberto; Herrera, Blanca; Fabregat Romero, Isabel; Benito, Manuel
8-Mar-2010Mecanismos moleculares que confieren resistencia a la apoptosis por TGF-beta en células de Hepatocarcinoma Celular HumanoCaja Puigsubirà, Laia
2-Jan-2013Mouse hepatic oval cells require Met-dependent PI3K to impair TGF-β-Induced oxidative stress and apoptosis.Martínez Palacián, Adoración; Castillo, Gaelle del; Suárez Causado, Amileth; García Álvaro, María; Morena Frutos, Diego de la; Fernández, Margarita; Roncero, Cesáreo; Fabregat Romero, Isabel; Herrera, Blanca; Sánchez, Aránzazu
6-Aug-2010NADPH oxidase NOX1 controls autocrine growth of liver tumor cells through up-regulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor pathwaySancho, Patrícia; Fabregat Romero, Isabel
26-Sep-2012NADPH oxidase NOX4 mediates stellate cell activation and hepatocyte cell death during liver fibrosis development.Sancho, Patrícia; Mainez Villoro, Jessica; Crosas Molist, Eva; Roncero, Cesáreo; Fernández Rodriguez, Conrado M.; Pinedo, Fernando; Huber, Heidemarie; Eferl, Robert; Mikulits, Wolfgang; Fabregat Romero, Isabel
4-May-2012Protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) deficiency confers resistance to transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β)-induced suppressor effects in hepatocytesOrtiz, Conrad; Caja Puigsubirà, Laia; Bertran Rodríguez, Esther; González Rodríguez, Águeda; Valverde, Ángela M.; Fabregat Romero, Isabel; Sancho, Patrícia
2018Revisiting the liver: from development to regeneration - what we ought to know!López Luque, Judit; Fabregat Romero, Isabel
23-Sep-2021Role of the NADPH oxidase NOX4 in hepatocyte proliferationHerranz Itúrbide, Macarena
9-Feb-2015Role of the NADPH Oxidase NOX4 in Liver Fibrosis and HepatocarcinogenesisCrosas Molist, Eva
12-Dec-2012ROS production is essential for the apoptotic function of E2F1 in pheochromocytoma and neuroblastoma cell linesEspada, Lilia; Meo Evoli, Nathalie; Sancho, Patrícia; Real, Sebastian; Fabregat Romero, Isabel; Ambrosio Viale, Santiago; Tauler Girona, Albert
15-May-2004Snail blocks the cell cycle and confers resistance to cell deathVega, Sonia; Morales, Aixa V.; Ocaña, Oscar H.; Valdés, Francisco; Fabregat Romero, Isabel; Nieto, M. Angela