Browsing by Author Garriga Torres, Jaume

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1993Black holes from nucleating stringsGarriga Torres, Jaume; Vilenkin, A. (Alexander)
2000Brane-world creation and black holesGarriga Torres, Jaume; Sasaki, Misao
1996Bubble fluctuations in Omega less than 1 inflationGarriga Torres, Jaume
1997Classical anisotropies in models of open inflationGarriga Torres, Jaume; Mukhanov, V. F.
2004Coincident brane nucleation and the neutralization of LambdaGarriga Torres, Jaume; Megevand, Ariel
1987Cosmic strings and Einstein-Rosen soliton wavesGarriga Torres, Jaume; Verdaguer Oms, Enric, 1950-
2000Cosmological constant and the time of its dominanceGarriga Torres, Jaume; Livio, Mario, 1945-; Vilenkin, A. (Alexander)
17-Oct-2011Cosmological Perturbations in Einstein-Aether TheoriesFariña Sierra, Noela
2002Cosmological perturbations in the 5D big bangGarriga Torres, Jaume; Tanaka, Takahiro, 1958-
2004Dark energy equation of state and anthropic selectionGarriga Torres, Jaume; Linde, A. D.; Vilenkin, A. (Alexander)
1999Density parameter and the anthropic principleGarriga Torres, Jaume; Tanaka, Takahiro, 1958-; Vilenkin, A. (Alexander)
10-Oct-2023Domain walls, primordial black holes and inflationSanglás Martín, Albert
1993Effects of friction on cosmic stringsGarriga Torres, Jaume; Sakellariadou, Maria
2004Forecasting cosmic doomsday from CMB-LSS cross-correlations.Garriga Torres, Jaume; Pogosian, Levon; Vachaspati, T. (Tanmay)
2000Gravity in the Randall-Sundrum brane worldGarriga Torres, Jaume; Tanaka, Takahiro, 1958-
1997In defense of the "tunneling" wave function of the universeGarriga Torres, Jaume; Vilenkin, A. (Alexander)
3-Jul-2008Infrared modifications of gravityBlas Temiño, Diego
1994Instantons for vacuum decay at finite temperature in the thin wall limitGarriga Torres, Jaume
2001Many worlds in oneGarriga Torres, Jaume; Vilenkin, A. (Alexander)
1993Massless minimally coupled fields in de Sitter space: O(4)-symmetric states versus de Sitter invariant vacuumKirsten, Klaus; Garriga Torres, Jaume