Browsing by Author Giralt Romeu, Santiago
Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
14-Jun-2013 | A 70,000 year multiproxy record of climatic and environmental change from Rano Aroi peatland (Easter Island) | Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Cañellas Boltà, Núria; Pla Rabés, Sergi; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Pueyo Mur, Juan José; Joosten, Hans; Rull del Castillo, Valentí; Buchaca Estany, Teresa; Hernández Hernández, Armand; Valero Garcés, Blas Lorenzo; Moreno Caballud, Ana; Sáez, Alberto |
21-Jun-2019 | A Continuous Palynological Record of Forest Clearing at Rano Kao (Easter Island, SE Pacific) During the Last Millennium: Preliminary Report | Seco, Irantzu; Rull del Castillo, Valentí; Montoya Romo, Encarnación; Cañellas Boltà, Núria; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Pla Rabés, Sergi; D'Andrea, William; Bradley, Raymond; Sáez, Alberto |
2011 | Biogeochemical processes controlling oxygen and carbon isotopes of diatom silica in Late Glacial to Holocene lacustrine rhythmites | Hernández Hernández, Armand; Bao Casal, Roberto; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Barker, Philip A.; Leng, Melanie J.; Sloane, Hilary J.; Sáez, Alberto |
2011 | Carbonate and organic matter sedimentation and isotopic signatures in Lake Chungará, Chilean altiplano, during the last 12.3 kyr. | Pueyo Mur, Juan José; Sáez, Alberto; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Valero Garcés, Blas Lorenzo; Moreno, Ana; Bao Casal, Roberto; Schwalb, Antje; Herrera, Christian; Klosowska, Bogumila; Taberner, Conxita |
30-Nov-2013 | Challenging Easter Island"s collapse: the need for interdisciplinary synergies | Rull del Castillo, Valentí; Cañellas Boltà, Núria; Sáez, Alberto; Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Bao Casal, Roberto; Pla Rabés, Sergi; Valero Garcés, Blas Lorenzo; Giralt Romeu, Santiago |
29-May-2020 | Ecology of the collapse of Rapa Nui society | Lima, M.; Gayo, E. M.; Latorre, C.; Santoro, C. M.; Estay, S. A.; Cañellas Boltà, Núria; Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Sáez, Alberto; Pla Rabes, S.; Stenseth, N. Chr. |
12-Oct-2014 | Environmental processes in Rano Aroi (Ester Island) peat geochemistry forced by climate variability during the last 70 kyr | Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Martínez-Cortizas, A.; Kylander, M.; Pla, S.; Cañellas Boltà, Núria; Pueyo Mur, Juan José; Sáez, Alberto; Valero Garcés, Blas Lorenzo; Giralt Romeu, Santiago |
28-Sep-2009 | Génesis de carbonatos autigénicos asociados a volcanes de fango del Golfo de Cádiz (SW España): influencia de procesos bioquímicos y desestabilización de hidratos de gas | Rejas Alejos, Marta |
Jul-2018 | Grazing activities in the southern central Pyrenees during the last millenium as deduced from the non-pollen palynomorphs (NPP) record of lake Montcortès | Montoya Romo, Encarnación; Rull del Castillo, Valentí; Vegas Vilarrúbia, Teresa Elena; Corella, Juan Pablo; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Garcés, Blas Lorenzo |
2007 | The history of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation according to lacustrine and marine sediments | Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Moreno Caballud, Ana; Bao Casal, Roberto; Sáez, Alberto; Valero Garcés, Blas Lorenzo; Pueyo Mur, Juan José; Klosowska, Bogumila; González-Sampériz, Penélope; Taberner, Conxita |
1-Feb-2015 | Local formation of varved sediments in a karstic collapse depression of Lake Banyoles (NE Spain) | Morellón, Mario; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Valero Garcés, Blas Lorenzo; Barreiro-Lostres, Fernando; Ariztegui, Daniel; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Sáez, Alberto; Mata, M. Pilar |
1-Jun-2022 | Long-term hydroclimate variability in the sub-tropical North Atlantic and anthropogenic impacts on lake ecosystems: A case study from Flores Island, the Azores | Richter, Nora; Russel, James M.; Amaral-Zettler, L. A.; DeGroff, Wylie; Raposeiro, Pedro Miguel; Gonçalves, Vitor; de Boer, Erik J.; Pla Rabés, Sergi; Hernández Hernández, Armand; Benavente, Mario; Ritter, Catarina; Sáez, Alberto; Bao Casal, Roberto; Trigo, Ricardo M.; Prego, Ricardo; Giralt Romeu, Santiago |
2012 | Macrofossils in Raraku Lake (Easter Island) integrated with sedimentary and geochemical records towards a palaeoecological synthesis for the last 34,000 years | Cañellas Boltà, Núria; Rull del Castillo, Valentí; Sáez, Alberto; Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Pueyo Mur, Juan José; Birks, Hilary H.; Birks, H. J. B. (Harry John Betteley); Pla Rabés, Sergi |
23-Mar-2021 | On the Origin of saline compounds in acidic salt flats (Central Andean Altiplano) | Pueyo Mur, Juan José; Demergasso, Cecilia; Escudero, Lorena; Chong, Guillermo; Corttéz-Rivera, Paulina; Sanjurjo-Sánchez, Jorge; Carmona, Virginia; Giralt Romeu, Santiago |
19-Jan-2022 | Reply to Elias et al.: Multiproxy evidence of widespread landscape disturbance in multiple Azorean lakes before the Portuguese arrival | Raposeiro, Pedro Miguel; Hernández Hernández, Armand; Pla Rabés, Sergi; Bao Casal, Roberto; Sáez, Alberto; Shanahan, T; Benavente, Mario; de Boer, Erik J.; Richter, Nora; Gordon, V.; Marques, Helena; Sousa, P.M.; Souto, M.; Matias, M.G.; Aguiar, N.; Pereira C.; Ritter, Catarina; Rubio de Inglés, María Jesús; Vázquez-Loureiro, David; Amaral-Zettler, L. A.; Yongsong Huang; van Leeuwen, J.F.M.; Prego, Ricardo; Ruiz-Fernández, A.C.; Sánchez-Cabeza, J.A.; Trigo, Ricardo M.; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Gonçalves, Víctor; Salcedo, M.; Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Costa, A.C.; Masqué, Pere |
1-Aug-2014 | The influence of subaquatic springs in lacustrine sedimentation: Origin and paleoenvironmental significance of homogenites in karstic Lake Banyoles (NE Spain) | Morellón, Mario; Anselmetti, Flavio S.; Valero Garcés, Blas Lorenzo; Giralt Romeu, Santiago; Ariztegui, Daniel; Sáez, Alberto; Mata, M. Pilar; Barreiro-Lostres, Fernando; Rico, Mayte; Moreno, Ana |
14-Mar-2014 | The last 70 kyr of Rano Aroi (Easter island, 27ºS) peat record: New insights for the Central Pacific paleoclimatology | Margalef Marrasé, Olga |
21-Sep-2010 | Ultra-high resolution environmental and climatic reconstruction using oxygen and carbon isotopes of diatom frustules | Hernández Hernández, Armand |
2013 | Vegetation changes and human settlement of Easter Island during the last millennia: a multiproxy study of the Lake Raraku sediments | Cañellas Boltà, Núria; Rull del Castillo, Valentí; Sáez, Alberto; Margalef Marrasé, Olga; Bao Casal, Roberto; Pla Rabés, Sergi; Blaauw, Maarten; Valero Garcés, Blas Lorenzo; Giralt Romeu, Santiago |