Browsing by Author Gomila Lluch, Gabriel

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 34  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Nov-2022Analytical Physical Model for Organic Metal-Electrolyte-Semiconductor CapacitorsHuetter, Larissa; Kyndiah, Adrica; Gomila Lluch, Gabriel
2000Anomalous crossover between thermal and shot noise in macroscopic diffusive conductorsGomila Lluch, Gabriel; Reggiani, L. (Lino), 1941-
22-Jun-2018Anomalously low dielectric constant of confined waterFumagalli, Laura, 1959-; Esfandiar, Ali; Fabregas, Rene; Hu, S.; Ares, Pablo; Janardanan, Amritha; Yang, Q.; Radha, Boya; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, K.; Gomila Lluch, Gabriel; Novoselov, K. S.; Geim, A. K.
1997Asymptotic analysis of the Gunn effect with realistic boundary conditionsBonilla, L. L. (Luis López), 1956-; Rodríguez Cantalapiedra, Inma; Gomila Lluch, Gabriel; Rubí Capaceti, José Miguel
3-Jun-2021Dielectric properties and lamellarity of single liposomes measured by in-liquid scanning dielectric microscopyDi Muzio, Martina; Millán Solsona, Rubén; Dols-Pérez, Aurora; Borrell Hernández, Jordi; Fumagalli, Laura, 1959-; Gomila Lluch, Gabriel
21-Nov-2012Dynamic electrostatic force microscopy in liquid mediaGramse, Georg; Edwards, M. A.; Fumagalli, Laura, 1959-; Gomila Lluch, Gabriel
15-Jul-1999Effects of the epitaxial layer thickness on the noise properties of Schottky barrier diodesGomila Lluch, Gabriel; Bulashenko, Oleg
25-Nov-2014Electric polarization properties of single bacteria measured with electrostatic force microscopy. Theoretical and practical studies of Dielectric constant of single bacteria and smaller elementsEsteban i Ferrer, Daniel
11-Mar-2008Electrical characterization of biological elements by atomic force microscopyCasuso Páramo, Ignacio
1998Extension of the impedance field method to the noise analysis of a semiconductor junction: Analytical approachGomila Lluch, Gabriel; Bulashenko, Oleg; Rubí Capaceti, José Miguel; Kochelap, V. A. (Viacheslav Aleksandrovich)
17-Jan-2011Fabricación de sondas de AFM específicas para medidas de impedancia eléctrica a la nanoescalaRebolledo Ceballos, Liceth M.
2001Fractional exclusion statistics and shot noise in ballistic conductorsGomila Lluch, Gabriel; Reggiani, L. (Lino), 1941-
2007Impedance field and transition from thermal to shot noise in Cd1-xZnxTe semi-insulating Ohmic detectorsRosini, M.; Reggiani, L. (Lino), 1941-; Gomila Lluch, Gabriel
1998Local noise analysis of a Schottky contact: combined thermionic-emissiondiffusion theoryGomila Lluch, Gabriel; Bulashenko, Oleg; Rubí Capaceti, José Miguel
10-Jul-2023Métodos avanzados de microscopía de fuerzas electrostáticas para el estudio de muestras biológicasMillán Solsona, Rubén
30-Sep-2022Multiscale Modeling of Organic Electronic Biosensor ResponseHuetter, Larissa
25-Jul-2008Nanoscale capacitance microscopy of thin dielectric filmsGomila Lluch, Gabriel; Toset Gilabert, Jorge; Fumagalli, Laura, 1959-
2007Nanoscale electrical conductivity of the purple membrane monolayerCasuso Páramo, Ignacio; Fumagalli, Laura, 1959-; Samitier i Martí, Josep; Padrós, Esteve; Reggiani, L. (Lino), 1941-; Akimov, Vladimir; Gomila Lluch, Gabriel
4-Dec-2012Nanoscale structural and mechanical properties of lipid bilayers in air environmentDols-Pérez, Aurora
12-May-2021Nanoscale Tomography Based in Electrostatic Force MicroscopyBalakishan, Harishankar