Browsing by Author Gratacós, Jordi

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2-Sep-2009Diagnostic and prognostic value of antibodies against chimeric fibrin/filaggrin citrullinated synthetic peptides in rheumatoid arthritisSanmartí Sala, Raimon; Graell, Eduard; Pérez, María L.; Ercilla González, M. Guadalupe; Viñas, Odette; Gómez-Puerta, José Alfredo; Gratacós, Jordi; Balsa, Alejandro; Gómara Elena, María José; Larrosa, Marta; Cañete Crespillo, Juan D.; Haro Villar, Isabel
20-Aug-2015Evaluation of dose reduction versus standard dosing for maintenance of remission in patients with spondyloarthritis and clinical remission with anti-TNF (REDES-TNF): study protocol for a randomized controlled trialPontes García, Caridad; Gratacós, Jordi; Torres, Ferran; Avendaño, Cristina; Sanz, Jesús; Vallano Ferraz, Antonio; Juanola, Xavier; Miguel, Eugenio de; Sanmartí Sala, Raimon; Calvo Rojas, Gonzalo
1-Sep-2023Identification of the first signs or symptoms in different spondyloarthritis subtypes and their association with HLA-B27: data from REGISPONSER and RESPONDIA registriesPuche-larrubia, María Ángeles; Ladehesa-pineda, Lourdes; Vázquez-mellado, Janitzia; Escudero-contreras, Alejandro; Gratacós, Jordi; Juanola, Xavier; Collantes-estévez, Eduardo; Font-ugalde, Pilar; López-medina, Clementina