Browsing by Author Iriarte, Adriana

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Apr-2021Adrenomedullin as a potential biomarker involved in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasiaIriarte, Adriana; Ochoa-Callejero, L.; García-Sanmartín, J.; Cerdà, P.; Garrido, P.; Narro-Íñiguez, J.; Mora Luján, José María; Jucglà, Anna; Sánchez-Corral, M.A.; Cruellas, F.; Gamundi, E.; Ribas, J.; Castellote Alonso, José; Viñals Canals, Francesc; Martínez, A.; Riera Mestre, Antoni
28-Dec-2020Blood test dynamics in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: Potential utility of D-dimer for pulmonary embolism diagnosisCerdà, Pau; Ribas, Jesús; Iriarte, Adriana; Mora Luján, José María; Torres, Raquel; Río, Belén del; Jofré, Héctor Ignacio; Ruiz, Yolanda; Huguet, Marta; Fuset, Maria Paz; Martínez Yélamos, Sergio; Santos, Salud; Llecha, Núria; Corbella, Xavier; Riera Mestre, Antoni
14-Oct-2021Catheter-Directed Therapies in Patients with Pulmonary Embolism: Predictive Factors of In-Hospital Mortality and Long-Term Follow-UpRibas, Jesús; Valcárcel, Joana; Alba, Esther; Ruíz, Yolanda; Cuartero, Daniel; Iriarte, Adriana; Mora Luján, José María; Huguet, Marta; Cerdà, Pau; Martínez Yélamos, Sergio; Corbella, Xavier; Santos, Salud; Riera Mestre, Antoni
1-Jan-2024New genetic drivers in hemorrhagic hereditary telangiectasia. Cerdà, Pau; Castillo, Sandra D.; Aguilera, Cinthia; Iriarte, Adriana; Rocamora, José Luis; Larrinaga, Ane M.; Viñals Canals, Francesc; Graupera i Garcia-Milà, Mariona; Riera Mestre, Antoni
19-Jan-2021Pragmatic, open-label, single-center, randomized, phase II clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of methylprednisolone pulses and tacrolimus in patients with severe pneumonia secondary to COVID-19: the TACROVID trial protocolSolanich, Xavier; Antolí, Arnau; Padullés Zamora, Núria; Fanlo Maresma, Marta; Iriarte, Adriana; Mitjavila Villeró, Francesca; Capdevila, Olga; Molina Molina, María; Sabater, Joan; Bas, J.; Mensa Vilaró, A.; Niubó, Jordi; Calvo, N.; Bolivar, S.; Rigo Bonnin, Raúl; Arregui, L.; Tebé, Cristian; Hereu Boher, Pilar; Videla, Sebas; Corbella, Xavier