Browsing by Author Jawhari, Tariq

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Nov-1996Effect of stress and composition on the Raman spectra of etch-stop SiGeB layersPérez Rodríguez, Alejandro; Romano Rodríguez, Albert; Cabezas, R.; Morante i Lleonart, Joan Ramon; Jawhari, Tariq; Hunt, Charles E.
2014Multiwavelength excitation Raman scattering study of polycrystalline kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 thin filmsDimitrievska, Mirjana; Fairbrother, Andrew; Fontané Sánchez, Xavier; Jawhari, Tariq; Izquierdo Roca, Victor; Saucedo Silva, Edgardo; Pérez Rodríguez, Alejandro
14-Mar-2023Power effect on the properties of copper nitride films as solar absorber deposited in pure nitrogen atmosphereRodríguez-Tapiador, María Isabel; Merino, Jesús; Jawhari, Tariq; Muñoz-Rosas, A.L.; Bertomeu i Balagueró, Joan; Fernández, Susana
1-May-2004Quasi real-time Raman studies on the growth of Cu-In-S thin filmsRudigier, Eveline; Barcones Campo, Beatriz; Luck, Ilka; Jawhari, Tariq; Pérez Rodríguez, Alejandro; Scheer, Roland
2012Raman spectroscopy as a powerful analytical tool: probing the structure of matterJawhari, Tariq