Browsing by Author Lüders, Jens

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-May-2023Disrupted homeostasis and ciliary defects in VPS13B deficient cells: implications for Cohen syndromeLovera Ulecia, Marta
13-Jul-2016Non-centrosomal nucleation mediated by augmin organizes microtubules in post-mitotic neurons and controls axonal microtubule polaritySánchez Huerta, Carlos; Freixo, Francisco; Viais, Ricardo; Lacasa Salavert, Cristina; Soriano García, Eduardo; Lüders, Jens
13-Sep-2010The gammaTuRC revisited: A comparative analysis of interphase and mitotic human gammaTuRC redefines the set of core components and identifies the novel subunit GCP8Teixidó i Travesa, Neus; Villén, Judit; Lacasa Salavert, Cristina; Bertran, Maria Teresa; Archinti, Marco; Gygi, Steven P.; Caelles Franch, Carme; Roig Amorós, Joan; Lüders, Jens
1-Jun-2012The Oncoprotein BCL11A Binds to Orphan Nuclear Receptor TLX and Potentiates its Transrepressive FunctionEstruch, Sara B.; Buzón Redorta, Víctor; Carbó, Laia R.; Schorova, Lenka; Lüders, Jens; Estébanez Perpiñá, Eva