Browsing by Author Larriba, Sara

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Oct-20233′IsomiR Species Composition Affects Reliable Quantification of miRNA/isomiR Variants by Poly(A) RT-qPCR: Impact on Small RNA-Seq Profiling ValidationFerre, Adriana; Santiago, Lucía; Sánchez-herrero, José Francisco; López-rodrigo, Olga; Sánchez-curbelo, Josvany; Sumoy, Lauro; Bassas, Lluís; Larriba, Sara
4-Jun-2022Common Variation in the PIN1 Locus Increases the Genetic Risk to Suffer from Sertoli Cell-Only SyndromeCerván Martín, Miriam; Bossini Castillo, Lara; Guzmán Jimenez, Andrea; Rivera Egea, Rocío; Garrido, Nicolás; Luján, Saturnino; Romeu, Gema; Santos Ribeiro, Samuel; Castilla, José A.; Gonzalvo, M. Carmen; Clavero, Ana; Vicente, F. Javier; Maldonado, Vicente; González Muñoz, Sara; Rodríguez Martín, Inmaculada; Burgos, Miguel; Jiménez, Rafael; Pinto, Maria Graça; Pereira, Isabel; Nunes, Joaquim; Sánchez Curbelo, Josvany; López Rodrigo, Olga; Pereira Caetano, Iris; Marques, Patricia Isabel; Carvalho, Filipa; Barros, Alberto; Bassas, Lluís; Seixas, Susana; Gonçalves, João; Larriba, Sara; Lopes, Alexandra M.; Carmona, F. David; Palomino Morales, Rogelio J.
1-Jun-2018Exosomal microRNAs in seminal plasma are markers of the origin of azoospermia and can predict the presence of sperm in testicular tissueBarceló, Maria; Mata, Ana; Bassas, Lluís; Larriba, Sara
27-May-2023Seminal extracellular vesicle sncRNA sequencing reveals altered miRNA/isomiR profiles as sperm retrieval biomarkers for azoospermiaLarriba, Sara; Sánchez Herrero, Jose Francisco; Pluvinet Ortega, Raquel; López Rodrigo, Olga; Bassas, Lluís; Sumoy, Lauro