Browsing by Author Lleó Bisa, Alberto

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Aug-2012A common BACE1 polymorphism is a risk factor for sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseCalero, Olga; Bullido, María Jesús; Clarimón, Jordi; Frank García, Ana; Martínez Martín, Pablo; Lleó Bisa, Alberto; Rey, María Jesús; Sastre, Isabel; Rábano, Alberto; Pedro Cuesta, Jesús de; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Calero, Miguel
25-May-2020Diagnosis of prodromal and Alzheimer's disease dementia in adults with Down syndrome using neuropsychological testsBenejam, Bessy; Videla, Laura; Vilaplana, Eduard; Barroeta, Isabel; Carmona Iragui, María; Altuna, Miren; Valldeneu, Silvia; Fernández, Susana; Giménez, Sandra; Iulita, Maria Florencia; Garzón, Diana; Bejanin, Alexandre; Bartrés Faz, David; Videla Cés, Sebastià; Alcolea, Daniel; Blesa González, Rafael; Lleó Bisa, Alberto; Fortea, Juan
Aug-2017Kidins220 correlates with tau in Alzheimer's disease brain and cerebrospinal fluidGamir Morralla, Andrea; Belbin, Olivia; Fortea Ormaechea, Juan; Alcolea, Daniel; Ferrer, Isidro (Ferrer Abizanda); Lleó Bisa, Alberto; Iglesias, Teresa