Browsing by Author Lloberas Cavero, Jorge

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2013Arginine transport is impaired in C57Bl/6 mouse macrophages as a result of a deletion in the promoter of slc7a2 (CAT2) and Leishmania infection is reducedSans-Fons, Gloria; Yeramian, Andrée; Pereira Lopes, Selma Patrícia; Santamaria Babí, Luis F.; Modolell, Manuel; Lloberas Cavero, Jorge; Celada Cotarelo, Antonio
15-May-2006Arginine transport via cationic amino acid transporter 2 plays a critical regulatory role in classical or alternative activation of macrophagesYeramian, Andrée; Martin, Lorena; Serrat, Neus; Arpa, Luis; Soler Prat, Concepció; Bertran, Joan, 1964-; McLeod, Carol; Palacín Prieto, Manuel; Modolell, Manuel; Lloberas Cavero, Jorge; Celada Cotarelo, Antonio
1-May-2008Deacetylase activity is required for STAT5-Dependent GM-CSF functional activity in macrophages and differentiation to dendritic cellsSebastian, Carlos; Serra, Maria; Yeramian, Andrée; Serrat, Neus; Lloberas Cavero, Jorge; Celada Cotarelo, Antonio
11-Apr-2023Distinct Responses to IL4 in Macrophages Mediated by JNKArpa Toribio, Luis; Batlle, Carlos; Jiang, Peijin; Caelles Franch, Carme; Lloberas Cavero, Jorge; Celada Cotarelo, Antonio
18-May-2006Early steps regulationg proliferation and activation in macrophagesSánchez Tilló, Ester
1-Mar-2022GM-CSF Protects Macrophages from DNA Damage by Inducing DifferentiationVico, Tania; Youssif, Catrin; Zare, Fathema; Comalada Vila, Mònica; Sebastian, Carlos; Lloberas Cavero, Jorge; Celada Cotarelo, Antonio
2001IFN-gamma-dependent transcription of MHC class II IA is impaired in macrophages from aged miceHerrero Mateu, Carmen; Marquès Soler, Laura; Lloberas Cavero, Jorge; Celada Cotarelo, Antonio
2012Inorganic Nanoparticles and the Immune System: Detection, Selective Activation and ToleranceGómez i Bastús, Neus; Sánchez Tilló, Ester; Pujals Riatós, Silvia; Comenge, Joan; Giralt Lledó, Ernest; Celada Cotarelo, Antonio; Lloberas Cavero, Jorge; Puntes, Víctor
1-Jun-2006Macrophages require distinct arginine catabolism and transport systems for proliferation and for activation.Yeramian, Andrée; Martin, Lorena; Arpa, Luis; Bertran, Joan, 1964-; Soler Prat, Concepció; McLeod, Carol; Modolell, Manuel; Palacín Prieto, Manuel; Lloberas Cavero, Jorge; Celada Cotarelo, Antonio
5-Sep-2013Paper de la proteïna scavenger AIM en l’activació de macròfags i desenvolupament de cèl·lules escumosesAmézaga Solé, Núria
10-May-2002Regulación de la expresión de los genes "tap1" y "lmp2"Marquès Soler, Laura
20-Feb-2014Trex1 and Nbs1 as Regulators of the Macrophage Inflammatory ResponsePereira Lopes, Selma Patrícia
6-Feb-2015TREXI and SAMHD1, and Aicardi-Goutières SyndromeValverde Estrella, Lorena