Browsing by Author Martín Andorrà, Margarita

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Mar-2014La proteïna adaptadora 3BP2 com a regulador de l’activitat cel·lular a través dels receptors de membrana FcεRI i KITAinsua-Enrich, Erola
25-Mar-2022Mast Cells: When the Best Defense Is an Attack?Martín Andorrà, Margarita
9-May-2019Myo1f, an Unconventional Long-Tailed Myosin, Is a New Partner for the Adaptor 3BP2 Involved in Mast Cell Migration.Navinés Ferrer, Arnau; Ainsua-Enrich, Erola; Serrano Candelas, Eva; Sayós Ortega, Juan; Martín Andorrà, Margarita
4-Jul-2006Paper de la molècula adaptadora 3BP2 en la senyalització dels receptors leucocitaris de la família del CD150Saborit Villarroya, Ifigènia
23-Jun-2009Paper del receptor CD84 en l' activació mastocitàriaOliver Vila, Irene
20-Oct-2014Prostaglandin E2 Prevents Hyperosmolar-Induced Human Mast Cell Activation through Prostanoid Receptors EP2 and EP4.Torres-Atencio, Ivonne; Ainsua-Enrich, Erola; Mora, Fernando de; Picado Vallés, César; Martín Andorrà, Margarita
9-Jun-2018Silencing of adaptor protein SH3BP2 reduces KIT/PDGFRA receptors expression and impairs gastrointestinal stromal tumors growth.Serrano Candelas, Eva; Ainsua-Enrich, Erola; Navinés Ferrer, Arnau; Rodrigues, Paulo; García Valverde, Alfonso; Bazzocco, Sarah; Macaya, Irati; Arribas López, Joaquín; Serrano, César; Sayós Ortega, Juan; Arango, Diego; Martín Andorrà, Margarita
Feb-2015Team Based Learning (TBL): una metodología de aprendizaje y evaluación continuada en BioquímicaVidal Taboada, José Manuel; Martín Andorrà, Margarita; Rodríguez Allué, Manuel José; Saura Martí, Josep
14-Oct-2022The microphthalmia-associated transcription factor is involved in gastrointestinal stromal tumor growthProaño Pérez, Elisabeth; Serrano Candelas, Eva; Alfonso García-Valverde; Rosell, Jordi; Gómez Peregrina, David; Navinés Ferrer, Arnau; Guerrero, Mario; Serrano, César; Martín Andorrà, Margarita
30-Apr-2015The Receptor CMRF35-Like Molecule-1 (CLM-1) Enhances the Production of LPS-Induced Pro-Inflammatory Mediators during Microglial Activation.Ejarque Ortiz, Aroa; Solà i Subirana, Carme; Martínez Barriocanal, Águeda; Schwartz Navarro, Simó; Martín Andorrà, Margarita; Peluffo, Hugo; Sayós Ortega, Juan