Browsing by Author Martín Guerrero, Idoia

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-Jun-2011Epigenetic Activation of SOX11 in Lymphoid Neoplasms by Histone ModificationsVegliante, Maria Carmela; Royo Moreno, Cristina; Palomero, Jara; Salaverria Frigola, Itziar; Balint, Balazs; Martín Guerrero, Idoia; Agirre, Xabier; Lujambio, Amaia; Richter, Julia; Xargay i Torrent, Sílvia; Beà Bobet, Sílvia M.; Hernández, Luís; Enjuanes, Anna; Calasanz, María José; Rosenwald, Andreas; Campo Güerri, Elias; Román-Gómez, José; Prosper, Felipe; Esteller, Manel; Jares Gerboles, Pedro