Browsing by Author Muñoz Lahoz, Carme

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 31  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Jul-2010Age and other variables affecting rate of learning in adult foreign languageArtieda Gutiérrez, Gemma
4-Nov-2005Age-related effects on the acquisition of a foreign language phonology in a formal settingFullana, Natalia
18-May-2021Audio-visual input for learning L2 vocabulary and grammatical constructionsMuñoz Lahoz, Carme; Pujadas Jorba, Geòrgia; Pattemore, Anastasia
2004L'avançament de la introducció de la llengua estrangera: una fugida cap enrere?Muñoz Lahoz, Carme
Jul-2020Boys like games and girls like movies. Age and gender differences in out-of-school contact with EnglishMuñoz Lahoz, Carme
4-Aug-2009CLIL in SpainMuñoz Lahoz, Carme; Navés, Teresa
Dec-2018Different starting points for early foreign language learning: A comparative study with Danish and Spanish young learners of EnglishMuñoz Lahoz, Carme; Cadierno, Teresa; Casas, Isabel
2011The effects of aptitude and motivation on the acquisition of EFL in young learnersRosa González, David
2007En torno a los efectos de la edad en el aprendizaje escolar de una lengua extrangeraMuñoz Lahoz, Carme; Pérez Vidal, Carmen; Celaya Villanueva, Ma. Luz (María Luz), 1962-; Navés, Teresa; Torres, Ma. Rosa; Tragant Mestres, Elsa; Victori, Mia
1-Jan-2019Extensive viewing of captioned and subtitled TV series: a study of L2 vocabulary learning adolescentsPujadas Jorba, Geòrgia; Muñoz Lahoz, Carme
17-Jan-2014Individual differences in adult learners of english as a foreign language at two levels of proficiencyArtieda Gutiérrez, Gemma
29-Feb-2008The Influence of Age on Vocabulary Acquisition in EFLMiralpeix Pujol, Immaculada
2007Introducció: L'adquisició de segones llengüesMuñoz Lahoz, Carme
10-Feb-2023L2 learning from captioned-video viewing in primary school studentsAvello Garcia, Daniela Isabel
26-Nov-2010Language Aptitude in Young Learners: The Elementary Modern Language Aptitude Test in Spanish and CatalanSuárez, Maria del Mar
Jul-2012Language dominance, preference and awareness: a case study of two multilingual children in a bilingual communityCokely, Melissa
22-Nov-2019Language learning through extensive TV viewing. A study with adolescent EFL learnersPujadas Jorba, Geòrgia
6-Mar-2023Measuring the visual in audio-visual input: The effects of imagery in vocabulary learning through TV viewingPujadas Jorba, Geòrgia; Muñoz Lahoz, Carme
6-Mar-2023Measuring the visual in audio-visual input: The effects of imagery in vocabulary learning through TV viewingPujadas Jorba, Geòrgia; Muñoz Lahoz, Carme
6-Mar-2023Measuring the visual in audio-visual input: The effects of imagery in vocabulary learning through TV viewingPujadas Jorba, Geòrgia; Muñoz Lahoz, Carme