Browsing by Author Palmero, Ramón

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2021Induction treatment in patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancerPalmero, Ramón; Vilariño, Noelia; Navarro Martin, Arturo; Nadal, Ernest
1-Feb-2021Integrative transcriptome analysis of malignant pleural mesothelioma reveals a clinically relevant immune-based classificationAlay, Ania; Cordero Romera, David; Hijazo Pechero, Sara; Aliagas Marín, Elisabeth; López Dóriga Guerra, Adriana; Marín, Raúl; Palmero, Ramón; Llatjós, Roger; Escobar Campuzano, Ignacio; Ramos Izquierdo, Ricard; Padrones, Susana; Moreno Aguado, Víctor; Nadal, Ernest; Solé Acha, Xavier
1-Dec-2023Molecular profiling and feasibility using a comprehensive hybrid capture panel on a consecutive series of non-small-cell lung cancer patients from a single centreMosteiro, Miguel; Azuara García, Daniel; Alay, Ania; Gausachs Romero, Mireia; Varela, M.; Baixeras, N.; Pijuan, Lara; Ajenjo-Bauza, M.; López Dóriga Guerra, Adriana; Teulé-Vega, Àlex; Solanes, Aleix; Palmero, Ramón; Brenes, Jesús; Jové, M.; Padrones, S.; Moreno Aguado, Víctor; Cordero, D.; Matias-Guiu, Xavier; Lázaro, Conxi; Nadal, Ernest
2006Time-related improvement of survival in resectable gastric cancer: the role of Japanese-style gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy and adjuvant chemotherapyGrau, Juan José; Palmero, Ramón; Marmol, Maribel; Domingo Domènech, Josep Maria; Monzó Planella, Mariano; Fuster Obregón, Josep; Vidal, Oscar; Fondevila Campo, Constantino; García-Valdecasas Salgado, Juan Carlos