Browsing by Author Pena González, Leopoldo David

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Characterization of contaminant phases in foraminifera carbonates by electron microprobe mapping.Pena González, Leopoldo David; Cacho Lascorz, Isabel; Calvo, Eva; Pelejero Bou, Carles; Eggins, S.; Sadekov, A.
Sep-2023Collapse of the Mediterranean Thermohaline Circulation during the Sapropel S1: New insights from Nd isotopesPena González, Leopoldo David; Checa, Helena; Margaritelli, Giulia; Pérez-Asensio, José N. (José Noel); Català, Albert; Garcia Solsona, Ester; Paredes, Eduardo; Rettori, Roberto; Lirer, Fabrizio
Jul-2023Deglacial and Holocene changes in Mediterranean Thermohaline Circulation: A joint perspective from Eastern and Western basins [INQUA 2023]Cacho Lascorz, Isabel; Català, Albert; Pena González, Leopoldo David; Frigola Ferrer, Jaime I.; Campderrós Serra, Sara; Inglavaga, R.; Martín Closas, Carles; Trias Navarro, Sergio; Checa, Helena; De la Fuente, María; Margaritelli, Giulia; Pérez-Asensio, José N. (José Noel); Lirer, Fabrizio
Jul-2023Deglacial Mediterranean-basins link: old carbon-enriched eastern waters and collateral consequences for western aragonite mounds growthDe la Fuente, María; Selvaggi, M.; Skinner, L.; Lo Iacono, Claudio; Corbera Pascual, Guillem; Sadekov, A.; Scott, P.; Zhang, P.; Cheng, Hai; Rafter, P.; Haghipour, N.; Pena González, Leopoldo David; Català, Albert; Cacho Lascorz, Isabel
14-Jul-2020High resolution paleo-environmental changes during the Sapropel 1 in the North Ionian Sea, central MediterraneanCheca, Helena; Margaritelli, Giulia; Pena González, Leopoldo David; Frigola Ferrer, Jaime I.; Cacho Lascorz, Isabel; Rettori, Roberto; Lirer, Fabrizio
2006Identification and removal of Mn-Mg-rich contaminant phases in foraminiferal tests: Implications for Mg/Ca past temperature reconstructionsPena González, Leopoldo David; Calvo, Eva; Cacho Lascorz, Isabel; Eggins, S.; Pelejero Bou, Carles
Jul-2023Mediterranean thermohaline circulation variability from the last deglaciation associated with changes in the eastern Mediterranean water outflowTrias Navarro, Sergio; Pena González, Leopoldo David; De la Fuente, María; Paredes, Eduardo; Garcia Solsona, Ester; Frigola Ferrer, Jaime I.; Català, Albert; Lirer, Fabrizio; Haghipour, N.; Haghipour, N. Pérez-Asensio, José N. (José Noel); Cacho Lascorz, Isabel
Jul-2023Rapid response of the Adriatic convection cell during the Sapropel S1: New insights from Nd isotopesPena González, Leopoldo David; Checa, Helena; Margaritelli, Giulia; Frigola Ferrer, Jaime I.; Català, Albert; García-Solsona, Ester; Paredes, Eduardo; Rettori, Roberto; Lirer, Fabrizio; Cacho Lascorz, Isabel
Sep-2023Water export changes through the Strait of Sicily during the last deglacial periodTrias Navarro, Sergio; Pena González, Leopoldo David; De la Fuente, María; Paredes, Eduardo; Garcia Solsona, Ester; Frigola Ferrer, Jaime I.; Català, Albert; Caruso, Antonio; Lirer, Fabrizio; Haghipour, N.; Pérez-Asensio, José N. (José Noel); Cacho Lascorz, Isabel