Browsing by Author Quero Ramos, Maria

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Dec-2022Combining neutrophil and macrophage biomarkers to detect active disease in ANCA vasculitis: a combinatory model of calprotectin and urine CD163.Anton Pampols, Paula; Martínez Valenzuela, Laura; Fernandez Lorente, Loreto; Quero Ramos, Maria; Gómez Preciado, Francisco; Martín Capón, Irene; Morandeira-Rego, Francisco; Manrique Escola, Joaquín; Fulladosa, Xavier; Cruzado, Josep Ma.; Torras Ambròs, Joan; Draibe, Juliana
20-Nov-2019Exploring frequencies of circulating specific Th17 cells against myeloperoxidase and proteinase 3 in ANCA associated vasculitisMartínez Valenzuela, Laura; Draibe, Juliana; Quero Ramos, Maria; Fulladosa, Xavier; Cruzado, Josep Ma.; Bestard Matamoros, Oriol; Torras Ambròs, Joan
28-Apr-2022Obesidad en el paciente en Tratamiento Renal SustitutivoQuero Ramos, Maria
18-Jan-2021Treatment for severe COVID-19 with a biomimetic sorbent haemoperfusion device in patients on haemodialysisSandoval, Diego; Rama, Inés; Quero Ramos, Maria; Hueso Val, Miguel; Gómez, Francisco; Cruzado, Josep Ma.