Browsing by Author Saurina, Javier

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3-May-2022A green approach to phenolic compounds recovery from olive mill and winery wastesTapia-Quirós, Paulina; Montenegro-Landívar, Maria Fernanda; Vecino, Xanel; Alvarino, Teresa; Cortina Pallàs, José Luis; Saurina, Javier; Granados i Juan, Mercè; Reig, Monica
Jan-2020Assessment of polymeric resins for the recovery of polyphenolsTabla Ruiz, Núria
16-Nov-2010Caracterització espectroscòpica i cromatogràfica de sistemes d'alliberament controlat preparats mitjançant tecnologies supercrítiquesArgemí Garcia, Anna
Feb-2023Characterization and classification of Spanish honeydew and blossom honeys based on their antioxidant capacityFernández-Estellé, Mónica; Hernández-González, Víctor; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Sentellas, Sonia
Jun-2014Characterization of beers by liquid chromatography and chemometric data analysisPérez Ràfols, Clara
13-Oct-2021Characterization of Musts, Wines and Sparkling Wines Based on Their Elemental Composition Determined by ICP-OES and ICP-MSGranell, Biel; Izquierdo Llopart, Anaïs; Sahuquillo, Àngel; Saurina, Javier; López Sánchez, Jose Fermín
1-Mar-2022Characterization of Musts, Wines, and Sparkling Wines Based on Their Elemental Composition Determined by ICP-OES and ICP-MSGranell Geli, Biel; Izquierdo-Llopart, Anais; Sahuquillo Estrugo, Àngels; López Sánchez, José Fermín; Saurina, Javier
2021Estimation of total polyphenols content in food supplements and nutraceuticals: Antioxidant assays versus high performance liquid chromatographyMoreno Merchán, Javier
28-Mar-2022Extraction and characterization of flavanol-rich nutraceuticals based on high-performance liquid chromatographyVidal-Casanella, Oscar; Arias-Alpizar, Kevin; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Saurina, Javier
25-Apr-2023Green extraction of antioxidant compounds from olive tree leaves based on naturaldeep eutectic solventsMir-Cerdà, Aina; Granados i Juan, Mercè; Saurina, Javier; Sentellas, Sonia
2014High-resolution mass spectrometry applied to the study of metabolome modifications in various chicken tissues after amoxicillin administrationHermo Outeiral, Ma. del Pilar; Saurina, Javier; Barbosa Torralbo, José; Barrón Bueno, Dolores
15-Mar-2024Honey fraud detection based on sugar syrup adulterations by HPLC-UV fingerprinting and chemometricsEgido, Carla; Saurina, Javier; Sentellas, Sonia; Núñez Burcio, Oscar
6-May-2021Liquid chromatographic fingerprints for the characterization of flavanol-rich nutraceuticals based on 4-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde precolumn derivatizationVidal-Casanella, Oscar; Núñez Burcio, Oscar; Saurina, Javier
29-Apr-2023Liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry for nut classification and marker identificationCampmajó Galván, Guillem; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar
2024Liquid Chromatography-High-resolution Mass Spectrometry (LC-HRMS) Fingerprinting and Chemometrics for Coffee Classification and AuthenticationNúñez, Nerea; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar
22-Jan-2021Non-targeted HPLC-FLD fingerprinting for the detection and quantitation of adulterated coffee samples by chemometricsNúñez, Nerea; Saurina, Javier; Núñez Burcio, Oscar
1-Sep-2021Oenological processes and product qualities in the elaboration of sparkling wines determine the biogenic amine contentMir-Cerdà, Aina; Izquierdo-Llopart, Anais; Saurina, Javier; Sentellas, Sonia
1-Jul-2020Organic acid profiling by liquid chromatography for the characterization of base vines and sparkling winesIzquierdo-Llopart, Anais; Carretero, Aida; Saurina, Javier
11-Nov-2021Recovery of added-value compounds from orange and spinach processing residues: green extraction of phenolic compounds and evaluation of antioxidant activityMontenegro-Landívar, Maria Fernanda; Tapia-Quirós, Paulina; Vecino, Xanel; Reig, Monica; Valderrama, César; Granados i Juan, Mercè; Cortina Pallàs, José Luis; Saurina, Javier
2-Jun-2019UHPLC-HRMS (Orbitrap) fingerprinting in the classification and authentication of cranberry-based natural products and pharmaceuticals using multivariate calibration methodsBarbosa, Sergio; Pardo-Mates, Naiara; Hidalgo-Serrano, Míriam; Saurina, Javier; Puignou i Garcia, Lluís; Núñez Burcio, Oscar