Browsing by Author Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2015The Aging of Population: Expenditure on Education and Social SecurityRadogna, Piero
2023Educational Assortative Mating in the European RegionsPadilla-Galviz, Erick Stivens; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
2012Educational expansion, intergenerational mobility and over-educationVilalta-Bufí, Montserrat; Ribó, Ausias
2013Entrepreneurial skills and over-education five years later. A comparison between Spain and the NetherlandsKucel, Aleksander; Masferrer Llabinés, Núria; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
2011Graduate labor mismatch in Central and Eastern Europe [WP]Kucel, Aleksander; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat; Róbert, Péter
2012Graduate labor mismatch in PolandKucel, Aleksander; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
2008Inter-firm labor mobility and knowledge diffusion: a theoretical approachVilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
2012Is the matching function Cobb-Douglas?Ribó, Ausias; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
30-Apr-2013Job Satisfaction of Spanish University GraduatesKucel, Aleksander; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
Nov-2015Knowledge misallocation and growthRaurich, Xavier; Sánchez-Losada, Fernando; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
2011Labor Mobility and Productivity GrowthRaurich, Xavier; Sánchez-Losada, Fernando; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
14-Jun-2011Microeconomia IIVilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
2008On the industry experience premium and labor mobility [WP]Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
5-Jul-2023Overeducation and childcare timeKucel, Aleksander; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
2013Qualitative social differentiation in tertiary education in SpainKucel, Aleksander; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
2021Segregation and preferences for redistributionTosu, Dilara; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
2013Technical Progress, Sorting, and Early RetirementBurlon, Lorenzo; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
2012Why do university graduates regret their study program? A comparison between Spain and the Netherlands [WP]Kucel, Aleksander; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat