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Title: Pinning of quantized vortices in helium drops by dopant atoms and molecules
Author: Dalfovo, Franco
Mayol Sánchez, Ricardo
Pi Pericay, Martí
Barranco Gómez, Manuel
Keywords: Líquids quàntics
Química quàntica
Quantum fluids
Quantum chemistry
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: American Physical Society
Abstract: Using a density functional method, we investigate the properties of liquid 4He droplets doped with atoms (Ne and Xe) and molecules ( SF6 and hydrogen cyanide). We consider the case of droplets having a quantized vortex pinned to the dopant. A liquid-drop formula is proposed that accurately describes the total energy of the complex and allows one to extrapolate the density functional results to large N. For a given impurity, we find that the formation of a dopant+vortex+4HeN complex is energetically favored below a critical size Ncr. Our results support the possibility to observe quantized vortices in helium droplets by means of spectroscopic techniques.
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It is part of: Physical Review Letters, 2000, vol. 85, núm. 5, p. 1028-1031
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ISSN: 0031-9007
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)

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