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Title: Implication and deduction in some intuitionistic modal logics (1)
Author: Font, Josep M.
Keywords: Modalitat (Lògica)
Universitat de Barcelona. Institut de Matemàtica
Issue Date: 1982
Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona
Series/Report no: Mathematics Preprint Series; 10
Abstract: We sttidy the deductive properties of the System IM4 of intuitionistic modal logic, paying special attention to the implicative ones. This System is the intuítionistic counterpart of Lewis' S4 and its models are the topological pseudo-Boolean algebras. Its abstract deductive strueture is analogous to that of pseudo-Boolean algebras but here w.ith respect to new implicative operations. These satisfy the Deduction Theorem and allow us to find implicative characterizations of several types of deductive Systems (such as irreducible, maximal, prime) and some related conoepts from universal algebra (simplicity, semisimplicity, radical)...
Note: Preprint enviat per a la seva publicació en una revista científica.
Note: Reproducció digital del document original en paper [CRAI Biblioteca de Matemàtiques i Informàtica - Dipòsit Departament CAIXA 31.9]
Appears in Collections:Preprints de Matemàtiques - Mathematics Preprint Series

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