Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 157
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
27-Feb-2023 | Incidence and medical costs of chronic obstructive respiratory disease in Spanish hospitals: a retrospective database analysis | Darbà, Josep; Ascanio, Meritxell |
1-May-2023 | Mergers and bank branches: two decades of evidence from the USA | Calzada, Joan; Fageda, Xavier, 1975-; Martínez Santos, Fernando |
1-Jun-2023 | Labour Market Shocks and Parental Investments during the Covid-19 Pandemic | Hupkau, Claudia; Ruiz-Valenzuela, Jenifer; Isphording, Ingo E.; Machin, Stephen |
1-Aug-2022 | Bonus for firearms seizures and police performance | Barros, Fernando, Jr.; Delalibera, Bruno R.; Neto, Valdemar Pinho; Rodrigues, Victor |
Sep-2021 | Building(s and) cities: Delineating urban areas with a machine learning algorithm | Arribas-Bel, Daniel; García López, Miquel-Àngel; Viladecans Marsal, Elisabet |
16-Dec-2020 | Pandemia y globalización: reformulación de las cadenas globales de valor...y más allá | Tugores Ques, Juan, 1953- |
29-Apr-2020 | Cities drifting apart: Heterogeneous outcomes of decentralizing public education | Brutti, Zelda |
10-Jun-2022 | Reforming the provision of cross-border medical care: Evidence from Spain | Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina; Rivera-Garrido, Noelia; Vall Castelló, Judit |
1-Jan-2023 | Gaining or losing PhDs: What are the effects on firms' linkages with universities? | Afcha Chávez, Sergio; Garcia-Quevedo, Jose; Mas-Verdú, Francisco |
Dec-2022 | Jordi Roca Jusmet. [Kohei Saito; EL CAPITAL EN LA ERA DEL ANTROPOCENO, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, Barcelona 2022 (334 pp.), ISBN: 978-84-666-7] [Ressenya de llibre] | Roca Jusmet, Jordi |
1-Aug-2022 | Hospital incidence and costs of congenital hydrocephalus in Spain: a multicenter retrospective study | Darbà, Josep; Marsà, Alícia |
29-Jun-2022 | Learning by engaging. The use of active learning strategies in higher education | Gómez-Puig, Marta; Stoyanova, Alexandrina Petrova |
May-2021 | Street Art as a Sustainable Tool in Mature Tourism Destinations: A Case Study of Barcelona | Crespi Vallbona, Montserrat; Mascarilla i Miró, Oscar |
26-May-2022 | Ambulatory and hospital care of glaucoma in Spain and associated medical costs | Darbà, Josep; Marsà, Alícia |
28-Oct-2021 | Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy in Spain: a retrospective analysis of hospital incidence and medical costs | Darbà, Josep; Marsà, Alícia |
1-Jun-2022 | The city of start-ups: Location determinants of start-ups in emergent industries in Barcelona | Coll-Martínez, Eva; Jové-Llopis, Elisenda; Teruel Carrizosa, Mercedes |
13-Jul-2021 | Party bans, deterrence or backlash? Evidence from the Basque Country | Arenas Jal, Andreu |
1-Jun-2021 | The Evolution of Gender Gaps in Numeracy and Literacy Between Childhood and Young Adulthood | Borgonovi, Francesca; Choi Mendizábal, Álvaro B. (Álvaro Borja); Paccagnella, Marco |
4-Feb-2022 | Government policies, new voter coalitions, and the emergence of ethnic dimension in party systems | Mor, Maayan |
Feb-2022 | Plant conversions and abatement technologies cannot prevent stranding of power plant assets in 2 °C scenarios | Lu, Yangsiyu; Cohen, François; Smith, Stephen M.; Pfeiffer, Alexander |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 157