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Title: Ni Chinatown ni Little Pakistan: segregació ètnica a Barcelona
Author: Codina i Lara, Oriol
Director/Tutor: Vilà Bosqued, Gemma
Keywords: Sociologia
Migració (Població)
Discriminació en l'habitatge
Treballs de fi de grau
Emigration and immigration
Discrimination in housing
Bachelor's theses
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Abstract: [cat] L’arribada a Barcelona de comunitats estrangeres ha fet augmentar l’interès pel seu estudi, però sovint, comunitats tan distintes com la xinesa o la pakistanesa s’engloben en una mateixa cate- goria, asiàtics, malgrat viure i estar segregades de forma diferent. Tenint en compte això i els diferents processos d’assentament d’aquestes dues comunitats, en aquest treball s’investiguen els factors que porten a les diferències en la seva segregació a partir de l’anàlisi de la distribució d’aquestes poblacions a Barcelona en el període 2009-2019 i d’indicadors econòmics i urbans. Els resultats apunten a que una estructura demogràfica que permeti la criança familiar, una capacitat econòmica semblant a la de la mitjana de Barcelona i uns espais de socialització dis- persos són importants en reduir la segregació, però l’economia ètnica i les relacions laborals són claus per entendre la mobilitat urbana a barris més benestants.
[eng] The incoming of foreign immigrants in Barcelona has aroused interest in its analysis. However, distinct communities such as the Chinese and the Pakistani are often lumped together into a single category, Asians, despite the fact that they live and are segregated differently. In light of this and the various settlement processes of these two communities, this work investigates the many factors that lead to the differences in their segregation levels by analyzing the distribution of these populations in Barcelona in the 2009-2019 period and using different economic and urban data. The results show that a demographic structure that allows family upbringing, as well as economic wealth similar to the average in Barcelona are important in reducing the level of segregation of a community. However, ethnic economies, each one with their own types of businesses and labor relations, are key in understanding the processes of urban mobility to wealthier areas. Additionally, the features of the different spaces for socializing have a certain influence on the level of segregation of these communities with respect to the rest of the citi- zens. As a result, the Chinese in Barcelona have managed to keep low levels of segregation and become a community integrated in middle-class neighborhoods, while the Pakistani are strug- gling to increase the average income and the opportunities of upward mobility for their com- munity, which leads to a more persistent segregation.
Note: Treballs Finals del Grau de Sociologia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020. Tutor: Gemma Vilà Bosqued
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Sociologia

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