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Title: The Cave by José Saramago: Platonic image versus metaphysics
Author: Gilabert Barberà, Pau
Keywords: Mite de la caverna (Al·legoria)
Filosofia grega
Tradició clàssica
Imatge (Filosofia)
Literatura portuguesa
Novel·la portuguesa
Saramago, José
Plato's cave (Allegory)
Saramago, José. Caverna
Greek philosophy
Classical tradition
Image (Philosophy)
Portuguese literature
Portuguese fiction
Saramago, José
Saramago, José. Caverna
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: The cave by José Saramago has as a certain reference the image of the cave of book VII of Plato's Republic and, however, Saramago is not an idealistic or metaphysical writer. This article, taking advantage of the applicability with which Plato endowed his image, defends the urge to be open to the messages sent by the earth, by matter, the urge not to become prisoners in the golden caves of the Western society and, finally, the urge to find our freedom in Nature, phýsis, and not far or beyond, metá, it.
Note: Versió en anglès de l'article presentat al "I Congreso Internacional de Filosofía Griega", organitzat per la "Sociedad Ibérica de Filosofía Griega" i celebrat a Mallorca del 24 al 26 d'abril del 2008. En una versió reduïda s'ha publicat en català al número 51 de la revista Auriga, 2008, 10-15.
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