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Title: El mostratge fitocenològic a Catalunya
Author: Font i Castell, Xavier
Soriano i Tomàs, Ignasi
Vigo, Josep, 1937-
Keywords: Associacions vegetals
Taxonomia botànica
Plant communities
Botanical taxonomy
Catalonia (Spain)
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: Departament de Biologia Vegetal, Universitat de Barcelona
Abstract: irregular. With reference to the 10 km UTM network, the number of relevés per cell ranges between 0 and 527, with a mean of 36, the most exhaustively prospected areas lying in the Pyrenean range. On the other hand, 44 cells spread ± regularly over the Catalan territory have not available relevés yet, the larger spot lying in the Lluçanés area (C Catalonia). As a general rule. communities seem to be rather adequately prospected and no great discordances between syntaxa have been observed. However. further studies may be required for several alliances such as Berberidion, Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii, Taeniathero-Aegilopion, Alkanno-Malcolmion, Thero-Suaedion, Posidonion or Rupion maritimae. Key words: Phytocoenology, Relevés Database, Geographical prospection, Syntaxonomical prospection, Catalonia.
Note: Reproducció digital del document publicat en format paper
It is part of: Acta Botánica Barcinonensia, 1998, vol. 45, p. 501-515
ISSN: 0210-7597
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals)

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