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Title: Quimera
Author: Lopez Ortega, Paula
Director/Tutor: Cufí, Montserrat
Keywords: Arts visuals
Mitologia grega
Treballs de fi de grau
Visual arts
Greek mythology
Bachelor's theses
Issue Date: 9-Jun-2023
Abstract: [spa] Quimera es una representación de mi, de lo que soy gracias a las mujeres importantes de mi vida, es el ideal que me gustaría llegar a ser. Cuando veo a una persona y la conozco más de cerca le asigno un animal al que creo que se parece físicamente. En este caso, quimera es la unión de león (mi animal), avestruz (mi madre), gorrión (mi abuela), cabra (mi hermana) y serpiente bicéfala (mi mejor amiga) Quimera es un león con cuernos de cabra, alas de gorrión, patas de avestruz y una cola de serpiente bicéfala hecha de hierro reciclado, huesos reales y madera.
[eng] My work “Quimera” is a representation of me, of what I am thanks to the important women in my life, it is the ideal that I would like to become. When I see a person and get to know them more closely, I assign them an animal that I think resembles both physically and in characteristics, both of them and of the animal. In this case, the chimera is a lion (my animal) together with the animals of my mother (the ostrich), my grandmother (he is a sparrow), my sister (the goat) and my best friend (the two-headed snake). “Chimera” is a lion with the horns of a goat, the wings of a sparrow, the legs of an ostrich, and the tail of a two-headed serpent made of recycled iron, real bones, and wood.
Note: Treballs Finals de Grau de Belles Arts. Facultat de Belles Arts. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2022-2023, Tutor: Cufí, Montserrat
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Belles Arts

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