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Title: On the diagonals of a Rees algebra
Author: Lavila Vidal, Olga
Director/Tutor: Zarzuela, Santiago
Keywords: Anells commutatius
Singularitats (Matemàtica)
Geometria algebraica
Categories (Matemàtica)
Commutative rings
Singularities (Mathematics)
Algebraic geometry
Categories (Mathematics)
Issue Date: 1-Jan-1999
Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona
Abstract: [eng] The aim of this work is to study the ring-theoretic properties of the diagonals of a Rees algebra, w that we shall review the known results about these problems, and finally we will give a summary of the contents and results obtained in this work.hich from a geometric point of view are the homogenous coordinate rings of embeddings of blow-ups of projective varieties along a subvariety. First we are going to introduce the subject and the main problems. After that we shall review the known results about these problems, and finally we will give a summary of the contents and results obtained in this work.
[cat] L’objectiu d’aquesta memòria és l’estudi de les propietats aritmètiques de les diagonals d’una àlgebra de Rees o, des d’un punt de vista geomètric, dels anells de coordenades homogenis d’immersions d’explosions de varietats projectives al llarg d’una subvarietat. En primer lloc, anem a introduir el tema i els principals problemes que tractarem. A continuació, exposarem els resultats coneguts sobre aquests problemes i finalment farem un resum dels resultats obtinguts en aquesta memòria.
Appears in Collections:Tesis Doctorals - Departament - Algebra i Geometria

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