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Title: La terminologia tèxtil a la documentació llatina de la Catalunya altomedieval
Author: Trias Ferri, Laura
Director/Tutor: Quetglas, Pere J.
Keywords: Roba de vestir
Teixits (Indústria tèxtil)
Edat mitjana
Clothing and dress
Textile fabrics
Middle Ages
Issue Date: 6-Sep-2012
Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona
Abstract: [cat]Aquesta tesi s’emmarca en un projecte de majors proporcions encapçalat per la redacció del Glossarium Mediae Latinitatis Cataloniae, que analitza les manifestacions romàniques en la documentació llatina altomedieval conservada en els comtats situats al territori que posteriorment rebé el nom de Catalunya. En les nostres fonts s’hi inclouen sobretot testaments, llegats, acords i confirmacions de compra-venda. Quant als límits cronològics, els textos notarials objecte d’aquesta recerca se situen entre els anys 800 i 1150. El fet d’acotar la investigació a un àmbit tan present en les societats d’arreu, el vocabulari tèxtil, respon a la voluntat d’intentar observar la vida quotidiana de la societat de l’època.
[eng] This PhD thesisl is closely related to a much bigger project leaded by the Glossarium Mediae Latinitatis Cataloniae, which analyzes the romance traces contained in the huge Latin early medieval documental collections kept in many Catalan archives. Our documental sources are basically wills, donations, agreements and buying and selling contracts written between 800 and 1150. This is not only a philological research based on the structure of the language contained in the texts, but also an attempt to look at the daily life of all kinds of people living in our region through their clothes and fabrics. Our corpus has 186 entries and 24 subentries distributed in three large groups: lay clothes and fabrics, ecclesiastical clothes and fabrics, and materials. On the other hand, there is an appendix at the end of this thesis on the very few references to colours and origin of the garments. This part has 27 entries. Through the analysis of the garments and fabrics one realizes influences of many cultures on the Catalan one. Although most of the words have a clear Latin origin, the Arabic and German traces are also present. The first one contributed with fabric designations and clothes imported from Al-Andalus, while the second one provided us with textile and dressmaking vocabulary.
Appears in Collections:Tesis Doctorals - Departament - Filologia Llatina

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