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Title: Anàlisi del contingut de RNA i estudi mutacional de gens candidats en iinfertilitat masculina
Author: Jodar Bifet, Meritxell
Director/Tutor: Oliva Virgili, Rafael
Oriola Ambrós, Josep
Keywords: Esterilitat masculina
Male sterility
Issue Date: 22-Jul-2012
Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona
Abstract: [cat]La infertilitat és un problema que cada cop és més comú en la població actual. S’ha definit que la meitat dels casos de la infertilitat es deu a un factor masculí, no obstant, la gran majoria segueix sent d’etiologia desconeguda. Els grans objectius d’aquesta tesi es poden dividir en dos camps: (i) la cerca de factors genètics que puguin ser causa de la infertilitat masculina i (ii) la cerca de nous factors, com els RNAs i miRNAs, que puguin aclarir la patogenicitat de tipus determinats de infertilitat i el seu futur ús com a biomarcadors de la fertilitat.
[eng] There is some evidence that a significant proportion of idiopathic male infertility is due to recessive inheritance. Linkage analysis is applied in most hereditary diseases however are not appropriate in the case of infertility, because there are only one or few members’ affections in families studied. The alternative is performing mutational studies of candidate genes or genetic association studies using cases (infertile patients) and controls (fertile men). We had used three different strategies in order to identify candidate genes and therefore genetic factors associated with male infertility (comparative proteomics analysis, comparative transcriptomics analysis and bibliographic research of animal models infertile). We performed mutation analyses of 6 genes: PRM1, PRM2, HSPA2, PHB1, BRDT and BRD2 gene in different types of infertile patients. Our results in accordance with the first genome-wide study suggest that no pathogenic high penetrance mutations cause male infertility. The evaluation of seminal parameters is useful in the diagnosis of male infertility. However these parameters have important limitations since not always good seminal parameters are indicative of a good fertilization potential. Therefore there is a need for additional markers useful in the assessment of the sperm fertility potential. It is well known, that the mature human sperm cell contains RNA. Independently of the functions of the sperm RNA, the differences in RNA amounts between infertile patients and controls provide a means to assess the fidelity of past events of spermatogenesis. Therefore the analysis of the sperm RNA has the potential to be used as a marker to assess the fertility status. Our results identified several differential transcripts present in athenozoozospermic patients as compared to controls. These results open up the possibility to investigate the implication of these genes in the pathogenic mechanisms in asthenozoospermia and to consider their potential utility as infertility biomarkers.
Appears in Collections:Tesis Doctorals - Departament - Ciències Fisiològiques I

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