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Title: Tracing the Perseus spiral arm in the anticenter direction
Author: Monguió i Montells, Maria
Director/Tutor: Figueras Siñol, Francesca
Grosbøl, Preben
Keywords: Braços espirals
Fotometria astronòmica
Spiral arms
Astronomical photometry
Issue Date: 22-Nov-2013
Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona
Abstract: [cat] Avui en dia, i després de molts anys d’investigació, encara no disposem d’una teoria completa sobre la forma i l’origen dels patrons espirals de la Via Làctia. I tot i ser conscients que són un factor important per explicar l’evolució dels discos galàctics, la manca d’evidències observacionals sobre els braços espirals de la nostra Galàxia és evident. Moltes preguntes clau encara no tenen resposta, com ara: quin és el mecanisme de formació i evolució de l’estructura espiral en discs estel•lars? Es tracta d’estructures transitòries o són estructures de llarga durada? Quins són els seus components bàsics; estrelles o gas? El treball realitzat durant aquesta tesi pretén ajudar a resoldre algun d’aquests interrogants. El principal objectiu és traçar el braç espiral de Perseu en la direcció de l’anticentre Galàctic. La feina desenvolupada es pot separar en tres apartats. En primer lloc, un mostreig amb fotometria Strömgren en la direcció de l’anticentre Galàctic, mitjançant el qual hem obtingut un catàleg de 96.980 estrelles, 35.974 d’elles amb informació completa en els sis filtres uvbyHβ, i totes elles en una regió de 16 graus quadrats del cel. En segon lloc, per tal d’obtenir els paràmetres físics per a aquestes estrelles, hem creat un nou mètode a partir de models atmosfèrics i evolutius. Finalment, s’ha utilitzat tota aquesta informació per estudiar la distribució de la densitat estel•lar en la direcció de l’anticentre. Aquestes dades també ens han permès crear un mapa d’extinció tridimensional, a partir del quan hem analitzat la distribució de pols així com la seva relació amb el braç espiral de Perseu.
[eng] The main purpose of this thesis is to map the radial variation of the stellar density for the young stellar population in the Galactic anticenter direction in order to understand the structure and location of the Perseus spiral arm. A uvbyHbeta Stroemgren photometric survey covering 16 square degrees in the anticenter direction was carried out using the Wide Field Camera at the Isaac Newton Telescope. This is the natural photometric system for identifying young stars and obtaining accurate estimates of individual distances and ages. As a result, a main catalog of 35974 stars with all Stroemgren indexes has been obtained, together with a extended one with 96980 stars with partial data. The central 8 square degrees have a limiting magnitude of V~17mag, while the outer region reaches V~15.5mag. These large samples permit us to analyze the stellar surface density variation associated to the Perseus arm and to study the properties of the stellar component and the interstellar extinction in the anticenter direction. To compute the physical parameters for these stars two different approaches have been used, 1) the available pre-Hipparcos empirical calibrations based on cluster data and trigonometric parallaxes, and 2) a new model based method using atmospheric models and evolutionary tracks, optimized for stars up to Teff>7000K. Results for both of them have been compared with Hipparcos data looking for possible biases and trends. The obtained physical parameters allow us to select the intermediate young stars useful for our studies (B5-A3). These stars are young enough to still have a small intrinsic velocity dispersion (making them respond stronger to a perturbation), but they are also old enough to have approached a dynamic equilibrium with the spiral perturbation. Through their stellar distances, and after defining distance complete samples between 1.2 and 3kpc, we can trace the density distribution in the anticenter direction, finding a clear overdensity around 1.7kpc with an amplitude of 10% that can be associated to the Perseus arm. Those distance complete samples, having a statistical significant number of stars, built using the new model based method for distance estimation, show a significance of the Perseus arm peak overdensity larger than 3sigma. Exponential fittings also allowed us to constrain the radial scale length of the young population of the Galaxy between 2.0 and 2.6kpc, as well as to estimate the stellar density at the solar vicinity for stars between B4 and A1 type stars in 0.022star/pc2, well in agreement with the results obtained in the new version of the Besancon Galaxy Model. In addition, all these data allow the creation of a 3D extinction map, that carefully analyzed shows the presence of a dust layer clearly in front of the location of the stellar overdensity of the arm, suggesting that the corotation radius of the spiral pattern is further away of the position of the Perseus arm. The detection of this dust lane supports the existence of a density wave. Definitive confirmation will come from the ongoing spectroscopic survey using WYFFOS at the William Herschel Telescope in order to obtain radial velocities for a large subsample of the stars in our photometric catalog, that will allow us to trace the possible kinematic perturbation due to the presence of the Perseus arm.
Appears in Collections:Tesis Doctorals - Departament - Astronomia i Meteorologia

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