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Title: Regional wage gaps, education, and informality in an emerging country. The case of Colombia [WP]
Author: Herrera-Idárraga, Paula
López-Bazo, Enrique
Motellón Corral, Elisabet
Keywords: Mercat de treball
Recursos humans
Igualtat retributiva
Desenvolupament econòmic
Labor market
Human capital
Pay equity
Economic development
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona. Institut de Recerca en Economia Aplicada Regional i Pública
Series/Report no: [WP E-AQR15/07]
[WP E-IR15/09]
Abstract: This paper uses Colombian micro-data to analyze the role of education and informality on regional wage differentials. Our hypothesis is that apart from differences in the endowment of human capital across regions, regional heterogeneity in the incidence of informality is another important source of regional wage inequality in developing and emerging countries. This is confirmed by the evidence from Colombia, which in addition reveals remarkable heterogeneity across territories in the wage return to individuals’ characteristics. Regional heterogeneity in returns to education is especially intense in the upper part of the wage distribution. In turn, heterogeneity in the informal pay penalty is more relevant in the lower part.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: IREA – Working Papers, 2015, IR15/09
AQR – Working Papers, 2015, AQR15/07
ISSN: 2014-1254
Appears in Collections:AQR (Grup d’Anàlisi Quantitativa Regional) – Working Papers
Documents de treball (Institut de Recerca en Economia Aplicada Regional i Pública (IREA))
Documents de treball / Informes (Econometria, Estadística i Economia Aplicada)
Publicacions de projectes de recerca finançats per la UE

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