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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 264
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12-Sep-2023Attentional Bias Modification Training Based on Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking in Anorexia Nervosa PatientsAscione, Mariarca; Carulla-Roig, Marta; Miquel, Helena; Porras-García, Bruno; Meschberger-Annweiler, Franck-Alexandre; Serrano Troncoso, Eduardo; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Moreno, Manuel; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
11-Mar-2023An Attentional bias modification task, through virtual reality and eye-tracking technologies, to enhance the treatment of anorexia nervosaMeschberger-Annweiler, Franck-Alexandre; Ascione, Mariarca; Porras-García, Bruno; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Moreno, Manuel; Miquel, Helena; Serrano Troncoso, Eduardo; Carulla-Roig, Marta; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
5-May-2023Modification of Body-Related Attentional Bias through Virtual Reality and Eye-Tracking in Healthy Participants: Implications for Anorexia Nervosa TreatmentsMiquel, Helena; Briseño-Oloriz, Natalia; Porras-García, Bruno; Ascione, Mariarca; Meschberger-Annweiler, Franck-Alexandre; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Moreno, Manuel; Serrano Troncoso, Eduardo; Carulla-Roig, Marta; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
Jul-2019Executive function and general intellectual functioning in dyskinetic cerebral palsy: comparison with spastic cerebral palsy and typically developing controlsLaporta-Hoyos, Olga; Ballester Plané, Júlia; Leiva Ureña, David; Ribas, Teresa; Miralbell Blanch, Júlia; Torroja-Nualart, Clara; Russi, Maria Eugenia; Toro Tamargo, Esther; Meléndez Plumed, Mar; Gimeno, Francisca; Macaya Ruiz, Alfons; Pueyo Benito, Roser
1-Jun-2021Going beyond body exposure therapy. Presenting an innovative Virtual Reality and Eye-Tracking body-related attentional bias taskPorras-García, Bruno; Singh, Alana; Miquel, Helena; Taña-Velasco, Gemma; Briseño-Oloriz, Natalia; Fleta-Díaz, Jesus; Iglesias, Emma; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
26-Jun-2022Borderline, Where Are You? A Psychometric Approach to the Personality Domains in the International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision (ICD-11)Gutiérrez, Fernando; Aluja Fabregat, Anton; Ruiz Rodríguez, José; Peri, Josep M.; Gárriz, Miguel; García, Luis F; Sorrel Luján, Miguel Ángel; Sureda Caldentey, Bàrbara; Vall, Gemma; Ferrer Vinardell, Marc; Calvo Piñero, Natàlia
23-May-2023Body mass index, systemic inflammation and cognitive performance in adolescents: A cross-sectional studyCaldú i Ferrús, Xavier; Prats-Soteras, Xavier; Garcia-Garcia, Isabel; Prunell Castañé, Anna; Sánchez-Garre, Consuelo; Cano Marco, Neus; Tor, Encarnació; Sender Palacios, María José; Ottino González, Jonatan; Garolera i Freixa, Maite; Jurado, Ma. Ángeles (María Ángeles)
5-Feb-2020The Organization of self-knowledge in adolescence: some contributions using the repertory grid techniqueCarapeto, Maria João; Feixas i Viaplana, Guillem
5-May-2020Efficacy and Moderators of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychosis Versus Other Psychological Interventions: An Individual-Participant Data Meta-AnalysisTurner, David T.; Reijnders, Mirjam; Van der Gaag, Mark; Karyotaki, Eirini; Valmaggia, L.; Moritz, Steffen; Lecomte, Tania; Turkington, Douglas; Penadés Rubio, Rafael; Elkis, Helio; Cather, Corinne; Shawyer, Frances; O'Connor, Kieron; Li, Zhan-Jiang; De Paiva Barretto, Eliza Martha; Cuijpers, Pim
13-Dec-2021Does virtual reality increase the efficacy of psychotherapy for young adults with mild-to-moderate depression? A study protocol for a multicenter randomized clinical trialMontesano del Campo, Adrián; Medina Alcaraz, Juan Carlos; Paz, Clara; García Mieres, Helena; Niño Robles, Noelia; García Grau, Eugeni; Cañete Crespillo, Josep; García Gutiérrez, Alejandro; Alabèrnia Segura, Miquel; Feixas i Viaplana, Guillem
1-Sep-2022The effects of Cumulative Trauma and Cognitive Rigidity on the Severity of Depressive Disorder: Preliminary ResultsSalla, Marta; Aguilera, María del Carmen; Paz, Clara; Moya Higueras, Jorge; Feixas i Viaplana, Guillem
1-Sep-2022Personal construct therapy vs. cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of depression in women with fibromyalgia: A multicentre randomized controlled trial with a 6-month follow-upAguilera, María del Carmen; Paz, Clara; Salla, Marta; Feixas i Viaplana, Guillem
26-May-2022Neurocognitive profile of the post-COVID condition in adults in Catalonia. A mixed method prospective cohort and nested case-control study: Study ProtocolDacosta-Aguayo, Rosalia; Lamonja-Vicente, Noemí; Chacon, Carla; Carrasco Ribelles, Lucía A.; Montero Alía, Pilar; Costa-Garrido, Anna; García-Sierra, Rosa; López-Lifante, Victor M.; Moreno-Gabriel, Eduard; Massanella, Marta; Puig, Josep; Muñoz Moreno, Jose A.; Mateu, Lourdes; Prats, Anna; Rodríguez, Carmina; Mataró Serrat, Maria; Prado, Julia G.; Martínez Cáceres, Eva María; Violán, Concepción; Torán Monserrat, Pere
8-Dec-2022Fatigue, emotional distress, and illness uncertainty in patients with metastatic cancer: results from the prospective NEOETIC_SEOM studyRodríguez-González, Adán; Velasco-Durántez, Verónica; Martín-Abreu, Carla; Cruz-Castellanos, Patricia; Hernández, Raquel; Gil-Raga, Mireia; García-Torralba, Esmeralda; García-García, Teresa; Jiménez Fonseca, Paula; Calderón Garrido, Caterina
20-Nov-2022Valoració de l'experiència de la implementació dels cercles de paraula als centres educatius del Pla de Barris de la ciutat de BarcelonaMas-Expósito, Laia; Amador, Juan Antonio; Di Masso, Andrés, 1981-; Casañas Sánchez, Rocío; Lalucat-Jo, Lluís
8-Jun-2021Walnuts, Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, and Adolescent Brain Development: Protocol for the Walnuts Smart Snack Dietary Intervention TrialJulvez, Jordi; Gignac, Florence; Fernández Barrés, Silvia; Romaguera, Dora; Sala Vila, Aleix; Ranzani, Otavio T; Persavento, Cecilia; Delgado, Anna; Carol, Albert; Torrent, Jaume; Gonzalez, Judith; Roso, Eduard; Barrera Gómez, José; López Vicente, Mònica; Garcia Esteban, Raquel; Boucher, Olivier; Forns, Joan; Burgaleta Díaz, Miguel, 1981-; Sebastián Gallés, Núria; Canals, Josefina; Arija Val, Victoria; Basagaña, Xavier; Ros Rahola, Emilio; Vendrell, Joan; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Sunyer Deu, Jordi
15-Aug-2020Understanding Psychosocial Wellbeing in the Context of Complex and Multidimensional ProblemsEiroá Orosa, Francisco José
29-Jul-2021The influence of anger on empathy and theory of mindWeiblen, Ronja; Mairon, Noam; Krach, Sören; Buades-Rotger, Macià; Nahum, Mor; Kanske, Philipp; Perry, Anat; Krämer, Ulrike M.
7-Dec-2016Endogenous testosterone is associated with lower amygdala reactivity to angry faces and reduced aggressive behavior in healthy young womenBuades-Rotger, Macià; Engelke, Christin; Beyer, Frederike; Keevil, Brian G.; Brabant, Georg; Krämer, Ulrike M.
31-Aug-2020Abuso sexual infantil por representantes de la iglesia católica: el caso chilenoContreras Taibo, Lorena; Maffioletti Celedón, Francisco; Pereda Beltran, Noemí
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 264