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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 320
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2021The Haidbach deposit in the Central Tauern Window, Eastern Alps, Austria: a metamorphosed orthomagmatic Ni-Cu-Co-PGE mineralization in the Polymetallic Ore District Venediger Nappe System - Hollersbach ComplexMelcher, Frank; Schwabl, Sonja; Onuk, Peter; Meisel, Thomas; Aiglsperger, Thomas; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio
4-Oct-2021The Messinian evaporites of the Mesaoria basin (North Cyprus): A discrepancy with the current chronostratigraphic understandingArtiaga, David; Garcia-Veigas, Javier; Cendon, Dioni I.; Atalar, C; Gibert Beotas, Lluís
2012Subduction-related fluids influence on the Oligo-Miocene transitional magmatism of the Sulcis area (SW Sardinia, Italy)Gisbert Pinto, Guillem; Gimeno Torrente, Domingo; Aulinas Juncà, Meritxell
2012Caracterización geoquímica básica de lavas de El Salvador (Centroamérica): principales tendencias registradas en el Frente Volcánico CosteroHernández de la Cruz, Agustin; Gimeno Torrente, Domingo; Gisbert Pinto, Guillem
2012El sistema magmático bajo la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa: el caso del volcán MontsacopaAulinas Juncà, Meritxell; Taverna, J.; Gisbert Pinto, Guillem; Gimeno Torrente, Domingo; Gasperini, D.; Hernández de la Cruz, Agustin
19-Apr-2021Characterization of the Outer Coast Tuff Formation - A way to unravelling the magmatic processes preceding and triggering Deception Island's caldera-forming eruption (Antarctica)Vilanova, Oriol; Aulinas Juncà, Meritxell; Geyer Traver, Adelina; Marti, Joan; Álvarez Valero, Antoni M.; Albert Mínguez, Helena; Gisbert Pinto, Guillem
2021Vectors to ore in replacive volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits of the northern Iberian Pyrite Belt: Mineral zoning, whole rock geochemistry, and application of portable X-ray fluorescenceGisbert Pinto, Guillem; Tornos, Fernando; Losantos, Emma; Pons, Juan Manuel; Videira, Juan Carlos
2011Origin of green clinopyroxene cores of lavas from the garrotxa volcanic field (spain)Gisbert Pinto, Guillem; Gimeno Torrente, Domingo; Aulinas Juncà, Meritxell; Fernández Turiel, José Luis; Gasperini, D.; Hernández de la Cruz, A.
2011Polymorphic crystallization and kinetic pathways of triacylglycerolsBayés-García, Laura; Calvet Pallàs, Maria Teresa; Cuevas Diarte, Miguel Ángel; Ueno, S.; Sato, Kiyotaka
26-May-2022PTt history from kyanite-sillimanite migmatites and garnet-staurolite schists from the Bayankhongor area, Mongolia indicates suprasubduction switching from extension to compression during Rodinia assemblyŠtípská, Pavla; Peřestý, Vit; Soejono, Igor; Schulmann, Karel; Kylander Clark, Andrew R. C.; Aguilar Gil, Carmen María; Racek, Martin; Novotná, Nikol; Han l, Pavel; Lexa, Ondrej
23-Jun-2022The role of siderite on abiotic nitrite reduction by dissolved Fe(II)Abu, Alex; Domènech Ortí, Cristina; Carrey Labarta, Raúl; Navarro Ciurana, Dídac; Margalef Marti, Rosanna; Otero Pérez, Neus
12-Feb-2022Frequency-Domain Electromagnetic Mapping of an Abandoned Waste Disposal Site: A Case in Sardinia (Italy)Diedda, Gian Piero; Himi, Mahjoub; Barone, Ilaria; Cassiani, Giorgio; Casas i Ponsatí, Albert
29-Apr-2014Les col·leccions de mineralogia de la UB. Una eina d'aprenentatge i de participació dels estudiantsMelgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Tauler i Ferré, Esperança; Campeny, Marc; Castillo Oliver, Montgarri; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Torró i Abat, Lisard; Aiglsperger, Thomas Hans; Castellano, Amaia; Amores Casals, Sandra; Butjosa Molines, Lidia; Pujol Solà, Núria; Farré De Pablo, Júlia; Arqués Farré, L.; Pastor, Míriam; Andreazini, Aleu; Artiaga, David; Colomer Lorenzo, J.M.; Conesa Navarro, N.; Arbiol González, C.; Torres, Belén; Sanmartí Rodríguez, L.; Serra Crispi, A.; Arias Pacheco, D.
3-Jan-2022Assessment of aerobic biodegradation of lower-chlorinated benzenes in contaminated groundwater using field-derived microcosms and compound-specific carbon isotope fractionationTrueba-Santiso, Alba; Palau, Jordi; Soder-Walz, J.M.; Vicent, Teresa; Marco-Urrea, E.
20-Apr-2021The chromitites of the Neoproterozoic Bou Azzer ophiolite (Central Anti-Atlas, Morocco) revisitedPujol Solà, Núria; Domínguez-Carretero, Diego; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Haissen, Faouziya; Ikenne, Moha; González Jiménez, José María; Colás, Vanessa; Maacha, Lhou; Garcia-Casco, Antonio
6-Nov-2021Biotic and abiotic reductive dechlorination of chloroethenes in aquitardsPuigserver Cuerda, Diana; Herrero Ferran, Jofre; Nogueras, Xènia; Cortés Lucas, Amparo; Parker, B. L; Playà i Pous, Elisabet; Carmona Pérez, José Ma. (José María)
23-Mar-2021On the Origin of saline compounds in acidic salt flats (Central Andean Altiplano)Pueyo Mur, Juan José; Demergasso, Cecilia; Escudero, Lorena; Chong, Guillermo; Corttéz-Rivera, Paulina; Sanjurjo-Sánchez, Jorge; Carmona, Virginia; Giralt Romeu, Santiago
1-Dec-2021Multiproxy characterization of sedimentary facies in a submarine sulphide mine tailings dumping site and their environmental significance: The study case of Portmán Bay (SE Spain)Baza Varas, Andrea; Canals Artigas, Miquel; Frigola Ferrer, Jaime I.; Cerdà i Domènech, Marc; Rodés, Nil; Tarrés, Marta; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna; Amblàs i Novellas, David; Rayo Sarrias, Xavier; Soldevila, E.; Rivera Martínez, Jesús; Lastras Membrive, Galderic; Roqué, Josep
2010Cu-U-V stratabound deposits in red beds in the Catalan Pyrenees: Structure and MineralogyCastillo Oliver, Montgarri; Torró i Abat, Lisard; Campeny, Marc; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Tauler i Ferré, Esperança; Melgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles
2010Ti-rich Cr-spinel and Ni-Fe-Cu sulphides from the Hamutenha basic-ultrabasic intrusion (Cunene anorthosite complex, Angola)Campeny, Marc; Proenza Fernández, Joaquín Antonio; Torró i Abat, Lisard; Villanova de Benavent, Cristina; Castillo Oliver, Montgarri; Gonçalves, Antonio Olimpo; Melgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 320