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Title: Light scattering from suspensions under external gradients
Author: Bonet i Avalos, Josep
Rubí Capaceti, José Miguel
Rodríguez, R.
Pérez Madrid, Agustín
Keywords: Mecànica estadística
Fluctuacions (Física)
Statistical mechanics
Fluctuations (Physics)
Issue Date: 1990
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Abstract: We analyze the light-scattering spectrum of a suspension in a viscoelastic fluid under density and velocity gradients. When a density gradient is present, the dynamic structure factor exhibits universality in the sense that its expression depends only on the reduced frequency and the reduced density gradient. For a velocity gradient, however, the universality breaks down. In this last case we have found a transition point from one to three characteristic frequencies in the spectrum, which is governed by the value of the external gradient. The presence of the viscoelastic time scales introduces a shift in the ``critical¿¿ point.
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It is part of: Physical Review A, 1990, vol. 41, núm. 4, p. 1923-1931.
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ISSN: 1050-2947
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física de la Matèria Condensada)

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