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Title: Hnf1b-CreER causes efficient recombination of a Rosa26-RFP reporter in duct and islet δ cells
Author: Rovira, Meritxell
Martin, Miguel Ángel
Grau, Vanessa
Ferrer, Jorge
Keywords: Càncer de pàncrees
Regeneració (Biologia)
Pancreas cancer
Regeneration (Biology)
Issue Date: 20-Jul-2021
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Abstract: The Hnf1b-CreERT2 BAC transgenic (Tg(Hnf1b-cre/ERT2)1Jfer) has been used extensively to trace the progeny of pancreatic ducts in developmental, regeneration, or cancer models. Hnf1b-CreERT2 transgenics have been used to show that the cells that form the embryonic pancreas duct-like plexus are bipotent duct-endocrine progenitors, whereas adult mouse duct cells are not a common source of β cells in various regenerative settings. The interpretation of such genetic lineage tracing studies is critically dependent on a correct understanding of the cell type specificity of recombinase activity with each reporter system. We have reexamined the performance of Hnf1b-CreERT2 with a Rosa26-RFP reporter transgene. This showed inducible recombination of up to 96% adult duct cells, a much higher efficiency than previously used reporter transgenes. Despite this high duct-cell excision, recombination in α and β cells remained very low, similar to previously used reporters. However, nearly half of somatostatin-expressing δ cells showed reporter activation, which was due to Cre expression in δ cells rather than to duct to δ cell conversions. The high recombination efficiency in duct cells indicates that the Hnf1b-CreERT2 model can be useful for both ductal fate mapping and genetic inactivation studies. The recombination in δ cells does not modify the interpretation of studies that failed to show duct conversions to other cell types, but needs to be considered if this model is used in studies that aim to modify the plasticity of pancreatic duct cells.
Note: Versió postprint del document publicat a:
It is part of: Islets, 2021
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ISSN: 1938-2014
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Ciències Fisiològiques)
Articles publicats en revistes (Institut d'lnvestigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL))

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