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Title: Bipolar pulsed excitation of erbium-doped nanosilicon light emitting diodes
Author: Anopchenko, Aleksei
Tengattini, Andrea
Marconi, Alessandro
Prtljaga, Nikola
Ramírez Ramírez, Joan Manel
Jambois, Olivier
Berencén Ramírez, Yonder Antonio
Navarro Urrios, Daniel
Garrido Fernández, Blas
Milesi, F.
Colonna, Jean-Philippe
Fedeli, Jean-Marc
Pavesi, Lorenzo
Keywords: Fotònica
Òptica integrada
Integrated optics
Issue Date: 21-Mar-2012
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
Abstract: High quantum efficiency erbium doped silicon nanocluster (Si-NC:Er) light emitting diodes (LEDs) were grown by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) in a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) line. Erbium (Er) excitation mechanisms under direct current (DC) and bipolar pulsed electrical injection were studied in a broad range of excitation voltages and frequencies. Under DC excitation, Fowler-Nordheim tunneling of electrons is mediated by Er-related trap states and electroluminescence originates from impact excitation of Er ions. When the bipolar pulsed electrical injection is used, the electron transport and Er excitation mechanism change. Sequential injection of electrons and holes into silicon nanoclusters takes place and nonradiative energy transfer to Er ions is observed. This mechanism occurs in a range of lower driving voltages than those observed in DC and injection frequencies higher than the Er emission rate.
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It is part of: Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, vol. 111, núm. 6, p. 063102-1-063102-5
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ISSN: 0021-8979
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Enginyeria Electrònica i Biomèdica)
Publicacions de projectes de recerca finançats per la UE

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