Browsing by Author Muniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3-Mar-2011Antibiotic resistance genes in the bacteriophage DNA fraction of environmental samplesColomer-Lluch, Marta; Jofre i Torroella, Joan; Muniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa
14-May-2014Antibiotic resistance genes in the viral DNA fraction of environmental samples = Gens de resistència a antibiòtics en el DNA de la fracció vírica de mostres ambientalsColomer-Lluch, Marta
20-Jul-1998Bacteriófagos portadores del gen de la Stx 2 en aguasMuniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa
Feb-2012Characterizing RecA-Independent Induction of Shiga toxin2-encoding Phages by EDTA TreatmentImamovic, Lejla; Muniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa
11-Jan-2018Complete Genome Sequence of Escherichia coli Strain WG5Imamovic, Lejla; Misiakou, Maria Anna; Helm, Eric van der; Panagiotou, Gianni; Muniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa; Sommer, Morten Otto Alexander
1-May-2018Detection of bacteriophage particles containing antibiotic resistance genes in the sputum of cystic fibrosis patientsBrown Jaque, Maryury; Rodriguez Oyarzun, Lirain; Cornejo Sánchez, Thais; Martin Gomez, Maria T.; Gartner, Silvia; Gracia, Javier de; Rovira, Sandra; Jofre i Torroella, Joan; Gonzalez Lopez, Juan J.; Muniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa; Alvarez Fernandez, Antonio
25-Apr-2014Estudio del fago portador de la “Cytolethal Distending Toxin” de tipo V en el medio ambienteAllué Guardia, Anna
6-Jun-2014Identificación del origen de la contaminación fecal en aguas con Bifidobacterium spp. y/o Bacteroides spp. específicas de huéspedesGómez Doñate, Marta
Apr-2014Implications of free Shiga toxin-converting bacteriophages occurring outside bacteria for the evolution and the detection of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coliMartinez Castillo, Alexandre; Muniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa
10-Jul-2020Investigation on the evolution of Shiga Toxin-converting phages based on whole genome sequencingZuppi, Michele; Tozzoli, Rosangela; Chiani, Paola; Quirós Fernández, Pablo; Martínez-Velázquez, Adán; Michelacci, Valeria; Muniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa; Morabito, Stefano
17-Jul-2015Movilidad de factores de virulencia del patógeno E. Coli O157:H7 y otros serotiposMartinez Castillo, Alexandre
14-Nov-2018New approach for the simultaneous detection of somatic coliphages and F-specific RNA coliphages as indicators of fecal pollutionToribio-Avedillo, Daniel; Martín Díaz, Julia; Jofre i Torroella, Joan; Blanch i Gisbert, Anicet; Muniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa
1-Jun-2013Potential impact of environmental bacteriophages in spreading antibiotic resistance genesMuniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa; Colomer-Lluch, Marta; Jofre i Torroella, Joan
21-Apr-2020Unravelling the consequences of the bacteriophages in human samplesBlanco Picazo, Pedro; Fernández Orth, Dietmar; Brown Jaque, Maryury; Miró, Elisenda; Espinal, Paula; Rodríguez-Rubio, Lorena; Muniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa; Navarro, Ferran
2006Use of the lambda Red recombinase system to produce recombinant prophages carrying antibiotic resistance genesSerra Moreno, Ruth; Acosta, Sandra; Hernalsteens, Jean Pierre; Jofre i Torroella, Joan; Muniesa Pérez, Ma Teresa