Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 148
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1994 | Anàlisi estructural i funcional de l'alcoholdeshidrogenasa de Drosophila | Albalat Rodríguez, Ricard |
28-Jan-2022 | Transcriptomics and identification of candidate genes for studies in Coleoptera | Vizán-Rico, Helena Isabel |
30-Nov-2021 | Inestabilidad cromosómica y migración celular: JAK/STAT y una función no apoptótica de las caspasas efectoras | Gaspar Torrubia, Ana Elena |
29-May-2020 | Towards High Quality Single-cell Experiments: Approaches, Applications and Performance | Lafzi, Atefeh |
31-May-2019 | Estudio funcional de la variante embrionaria de la histona H1 de Drosophila | Climent Cantó, Paula |
16-Oct-2015 | Clues to the function of AWR effector proteins by expression on heterologous systems | Popa, Crina Mihaela |
5-Oct-2015 | Mechanics and Cellular Mechanisms Driving Zebrafish Epiboly = Mecánica y mecanismos celulares responsables de la epibolia del pez cebra | Hernández Vega, Amayra Noemi |
18-Sep-2015 | Genoarquitectura del sistema nervioso durante el desarrollo embrionario del anfioxo: implicaciones evolutivas para el origen del cerebro de vertebrados | Albuixech Crespo, Beatriz |
16-Sep-2015 | Molecular Evolution of Unicellular Eukaryote Metallothioneins: Tandem Repetition of Coordinating Domains | Espart Herrero, Anna |
17-Jul-2015 | Genètica molecular de l'autisme: recerca de variants de susceptibilitat i estudis funcionals | Torrico Avilés, Bàrbara |
15-Jul-2015 | Gens i migranya. Anàlisi mutacional i estudis d'associació en pacients | Sintas Vives, Cèlia |
10-Jul-2015 | Morfogénesis y evolución del sistema traqueal de los insectos | Miguel Vijandi, Cristina de |
23-Oct-2015 | The Identification and the Functional Validation of Eye Development and Regeneration Genes in Schmidtea Mediterranea | Calvo Lozano, Beatriz |
19-Mar-2015 | DNA Methylation Dynamics during Myogenesis | Carrió Gaspar, Elvira |
26-Apr-1984 | Aïllament i caracterització de l'enzim alcohol deshidrogenasa a "Drosophila Hydei": resposta metabòlica a la ingesta d'alcohols en aquesta espècie | Atrian i Ventura, Sílvia |
23-Jan-2015 | Genetic and molecular analysis or Sanfilippo C syndrome. Generation of a neuronal model using human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and therapeutic strategies | Canals Montferrer, Isaac |
19-Dec-2014 | Phylogeny and evolutionary perspective of Opisthokonta protists | Torruella i Cortés, Guifré |
17-Dec-2014 | An analysis of taenidial fold formation via the study of Blimp-1 and pri | Ozturk Colak, Arzu |
25-Nov-2014 | Impacto de las alteraciones moleculares en el pronóstico de la Leucemia Mieloide Aguda (LMA) "de novo" | Hoyos Colell, Montserrat |
19-Dec-2014 | Evolution of thermal tolerance and size of the geographic range in closely related species of water beetles | Hidalgo Galiana, Amparo |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 148